Sophia - CHAPTER 60

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It's five months later and the new hockey season was starting tonight. This time they got one of the private booths at the arena so the kids could come along.

Sophia wasn't too happy about it since she wasn't near the ice and she seemed to be the only one taking interest in the game.

Then again, she didn't have children to take care of.

wADE said it was good that she was up there since rumors about the loss were still going around so if she wasn't in the stands she wouldn't have people bothering her about it.

"Do you want a beer, Soph?" Annabelle asks her.

"No thanks." She smiles. She had quit drinking three months ago. At least for now, she did.

"Okay. How are you and Wade?"

"Good." She smiles widely. "As hard as these months have been, I don't think we've ever been this close."

"Awe, I'm guessing you guys are really active too then," Annabelle smirks.

"Oh... Uhm. Actually, we haven't since I got pregnant." Sophia explains embarrassment since she knows her friends will judge her for that.

"What?! How come? How's Wade dealing with that?"

Sophia shrugs. "He hasn't said anything, Annabelle. He's okay with it."

"So you had the idea? Why?"

Sophia rolls her eyes mentally not wanting to give her the real explanation. "It wasn't my idea. It just... we're okay without it happening."

"I can tell you that that boy loves you but he's also going insane. Why don't you do something for him? It doesn't have to go all the way."

Sophia cringes. "Can we please talk about something else?"

"Fine... Fine..." Annabelle smiles not seeing how uncomfortable Sophia looks. "Have you guys at least talked about the baby-making again?"

"I'm going to check on the kids." She says. Sophia gets up and walks away. She kneels down to see Emma and Taylor coloring.

"You guys having fun?" She asks them trying to distract herself.

Annabelle really made her think of the fact that she and Wade haven't done anything in the past 8 months and she has yet to hear him complain. She knows he isn't cheating but she still worries about the fact that he hasn't said anything.

She knows he's doing it because she doesn't feel ready yet after the miscarriage and no one knows that. She has yet to tell everyone why they haven't tried again. She feels like it's none of their business, just hers and Wade's.

But Annabelle mentioning it made her feel like she should at least ask him about it.

"Oh Soph, can you watch the kids? Marie and I are going to the bathroom." Mackayla asks and Sophia nods.

"Yeah of course."

"Cool. Thank you."

"Aunt Sophie, when are you giving me another cousin?" Emma asks sitting on her lap.

Sophia chuckles. "When do you want another cousin."

"Uhm... Now?"

"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that princess."

Emma makes an angry face. "But mommy said a long time ago that you were going to and you don't even have a big belly."

"Soon, Em. I promise. What are you drawing?" Sophia asks trying to change the subject.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now