Sophia - CHAPTER 58

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Mackayla asks betrayed. "You were the first person I told."

"Because I didn't want to tell you until I was actually pregnant. I would've come to you first when that happened " Sophia sighs.

"So that's why you looked so out of it these weeks. How long have you been trying?"

"Two months and counting." Sophia sits down and she hugs her waist.

"Soph, it will happen. Give it time. Stressing out won't make it better."

Sophia nods knowing she's right. "Don't tell anyone okay? Not even Ander."

"I promise. Why did it take you guys so long?"

Sophia shakes her head. "That's definitely between Wade and me."

Mackayla makes an O shape with her mouth. "Ah, okay. I can respect that."

Sophia smiles. "Thank you."

"I call dibs on godmother though," Mackayla says. "Are you coming back out?"

"I think I need another minute."

"Okay." Mackayla closes the door and Sophia takes another deep breath.

3 weeks later...

"I'm so nervous," Sophia says while Wade is on facetime. "I really hope this is it."

"Has it been five minutes?" Wade asks.

Sophia shrugs. "I think I lost track of time."

"Turn it."

Sophia turns it and groans. "I'm not- no wait it's changing." She says and her eyes widen. "Holy shit, Wade it's changing! There are two lines! I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant."

Sophia puts the pregnancy test down and she falls on the floor crying. She couldn't believe her eyes. It felt like it was a whole dream.

Wade puts his phone down and does the same thing. He was going to be a dad in nine months. "We're going to be parents." He laughs between tears.

"When is the quickest you can get here?" She asks.

Wade picks up the phone again. "Tomorrow. I'll pretend I'm sick or something."

Sophia gets a little sad. "Okay. I can't wait."

"We'll celebrate the moment I get there. Call Mackayla in the meantime and our parents, okay? Treat yourself, baby." He kisses the screen and she giggles.

"You do it too."

"Keep me updated okay, I need to get ready for the game. I love you, Sophia. I can't wait to be there."

"I love you." She says and they both hang up.

She sits on the edge of the bed. "Looks like it's just you and me for a few hours then bean." She says rubbing her tummy. "I already sound crazy."

The next morning Sophia finds herself sleeping in so she wakes up by Wade lightly waking her up.

She doesn't take a second to wake up before she hugs Wade. "You took a long time."

"I bought the first flight here, Soph." He chuckles. "Hello to you too."

She lifts her head up and she pecks his lips. "Hi."

"I got you some stuff." He says putting the backpack down. He takes out a bunch of Sophia's favorite snacks and fake champagne. "I also rented out your favorite movies that aren't on Netflix yet."

Sophia smiles. "This is really sweet of you, thank you."

"I want you to be comfortable from day one. I shall be your slave." Wade takes a bow and Sophia laughs.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now