Sophia - CHAPTER 15

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Sophia takes the plate of food and sits next to Annabel. "So... He fought two giant dudes because they were checking you out?" Annabel asks with a mouth full.

"Yeah, it was so scary."

"Please, if Travis did that for me I would fall in love," Mia says.

"Hmm, Sophia is right. A much as it was hot, one more punch and those guys could've knocked him out. It was terrifying." Mackayla says.

Sophia checks the time and she notices that she needs to leave to go to Wade's place before they go to her mom's. "I gotta go but text me if anything happens, okay?" She says saying goodbye to all of them.

"Good luck today, Soph!" Jackson yells and she yells back thank you before closing the door shut and running down the stairs.

When she gets there, she uses her new keys for the first time. When she gets in the apartment looks like a mess.

"What happened here?" Sophia asks and Wade comes out of his bedroom shirtless and he has a desperate look on his face which makes her laugh. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know what to wear." He answers. "You never gave me a dress code so I don't know if I should wear a suit or a t-shirt."

"Aww, you're starting to sound like me. That's so cute." Sophia makes fun of him but he doesn't laugh. "Just wear a dress shirt and a pair of shorts. My mom is causal so she won't mind."

"Okay well, what about your dad?"

Sophia smiles when he mentions him as if he was still here. He doesn't think she's crazy for making him meet her dad. "He's a simple man as well, Wade. Simpler than my mom actually. Now go get dressed. I'll clean up this mess."

When they're ready, Wade grabs his car keys and Sophia's hand.

As they approach the graveyard, Sophia starts to get nervous. She's never brought a guy here, nonetheless a guy she really really really likes.

Wade notices and he rubs her hand. "So besides hockey, you said your dad liked to golf and cooking, right?" He asks her.

"Yeah, he loved those things."

"Looks like we have more in common than I thought. I have a feeling we are really going to get along."

Sophia smiles at him. "Yeah. I think so too."

When they get there, Sophia buys a bouquet of flowers and the head to his grave. "This is it." She says when they get there.

Andrew Davis - 1966 to 2016

Wade side hugs Sophia and he holds her in his arm to comfort her and she wraps her arms around his waist. "Hey, Mr. Davis. I've heard a lot about you. Sophia said that you wouldn't mind how I dressed. Of course, I trust you more than I trust her so I do hope this is okay."

Sophia chuckles. "Wade is a little girly, dad. He probably changes more than I do."

"Oh please. Don't listen to her, she's had a lot of caffeine today." Wade taps her head and she laughs again. "But there's one thing for sure, she misses you a lot and she loves you so much. You raised such an amazing daughter and I hope that from wherever you are right now, watching over Sophia, I hope you see that as I hope you like me because it really means a lot that you do."

Sophia looks up at Wade. "I think he already knows that."

They stay a while longer until they have to leave for dinner. Sophia asks Wade if she can have a minute alone and he nods and walks back to the car.

Unlike other times, Sophia stays quiet while she reads her dad's name over and over again. She throws away the old flowers and puts in the new ones before taking in one last moment and walking back to the car.

Sophia - #1 in the ice seriesWhere stories live. Discover now