Thank You & Enjoy!

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First off, I just wanna take the time to thank each and every one of you who have supported either the Lovesick Trilogy, (Completed) and Treat You Better, (Still ongoing). It really means a lot to me. The positive feedback I received on both books is always very much appreciated and I'm glad you enjoyed them! Now...


This is for all my fellow #Saige shippers!

My new book, Meeting Mr. Rollins, is finally here! Just so you get the gist of what it's's inspired by Fifty Shades Of Grey. It's not exactly like it, but just my way of it. My version of it, if you will. Starring none other than Seth Rollins and Paige, of course! Other charcaters will be introduced as you read.

I've been working on this book for quite some time now. I had to do a lot of research for it. Just to be sure that everything was written correctly. It's a completely different style and background, as oppose to my other books. But still written with the same amount of my humor. 😊

Lastly, I had to be sure that I really wanted to publish this book. I second guessed it multiple times because I was very unsure of it at first. Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing or if it was really any good.

So, since many of you guys have asked me about it multiple times and encouraged me to publish it, I decided to let you be the judge of the first chapter! If it does well, I'll work hard and keep it going. If not, then I may just discontinue it and work on my other ideas.

Anywho, I'm done talking now lol. I hope you guys enjoy the book! I'm looking forward to hear some positive feedback on it as well.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Now, go ahead and meet Mr. Rollins...

Enjoy! ~ Sheirra

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