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Commencement Ceremony

(Saraya P.O.V)

"... The day will be what you make it. So rise up like the sun and burn bright. Don't stop here because life has really only just begun for all of you. Now, the world and everything in it is yours for the taking. Get out there and get on your grind." "I'd be lying if I said didn't wanna grind on his face right now." Brie Bella whispered to her sister Nikki Bella, causing her to chuckle. The twins were sitting right next to me for alphabetical order reasons, so I couldn't help but to overhear them while Roman was giving his speech. Not gonna lie though, he was so freakin' handsome! "Strive for what you want. I know you can. I know you will. I did... look at me now." Roman Reigns finished up his speech as everybody in the whole arena applauded him for his motivating words. Not sure if they were actually paying attention or if they all were just distracted by his appearance. He was attractive enough to distract anybody, but he couldn't distract me enough from looking around the packed arena for my mum.

Every now and then during the ceremony, I turned my attention away from the stage and whoever was giving a speech to look around for my mum. The place was so packed with families of all the graduates. Everyone's family except my own. Besides Renee literally dragging me out of bed this morning and forcing me to attend, I was hoping that if I decided to come, maybe a miracle might happen and my mum could show up to surprise me... somehow. I was mistaken. She was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed would be a huge understatement for how I'm feeling right now. I was ready to go home and shut myself out again. Unfortunately, the ceremony was far from over.

Next up was Dean Ambrose. Apart from his brothers in fine suits and ties, he came exactly how I remembered from last time I saw him. Not naked from when I walked in on him and Ren on the couch! But with jeans, a jacket, and this time not fringed hair but with a haircut that suited him pretty well. He pulled it off really great and I knew somewhere in the back, Renee was swooning. "I never went to college but I was at all of the college parties." Dean started, causing everyone to laugh. "I bet you all are gonna miss the parties the most. I know I do." "He's so hot. I bet he fucks so hard." Nikki Bella said to Brie as they continued to lust over the three mesmerizing men. If they really wanted to know how he fucks, maybe they should ask Renee. "In all seriousness, I never got anything in life handed to me. I worked hard for everything I got. I've earned my success. Now, all of you are about to get handed degrees and what not. Know why? 'Cause you've all worked hard for it. You've earned it. There ain't nothin' that you can't have in this life if you work hard for it." Dean kept his speech short and funny, but finished strong.

As they cheered and applauded him, I figured I'd look around the arena again to see if I could spot my mum. Still nothing. I knew the place was packed, but I've always been able to spot out my mum. She stood out in a crowded room every single time. I let out a sigh as I turned my attention back to the stage. As soon as I did, my eyes immediately locked onto his. It was now Seth's turn to give his speech and his eyes were locked onto mine in an instant. Guess I stood out in a crowded room just like my mum did. Or maybe it was easy to find me because I was sitting right upfront, thanks to my last name. Who knows? But what I do know is that I could feel Seth's eyes staring at me. As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"There was a time in my life, where I was in a very dark place. Nothing was going my way and I had absolutely no one to turn to for help. I shut myself out from everything and everyone in my life. Honestly, there wasn't even a point of me being alive. So, I was going to end it all. That is, until one day I decided to give life a second chance. I needed to Redesign, Rebuild, and Reclaim my life. I redesigned myself and got rid of everything that brought me to that dark place. I rebuilt myself and gave myself a new name, Seth Rollins. And now, I reclaimed my life and have everything I've always wanted. Alongside my brothers, we're taking over the world. College isn't easy and I know at one point, most of you were in that dark place too. But you decided to Redesign, Rebuild, and Reclaim your future and take back your life. Look at where you are now. Nothing but success is in your future and I'm going to be there with you every step of the way." Seth finished.

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