Consideration: Part 1

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I was a newly graduated woman, up and coming owner of my own business, on my way to my sweet and heart-throbbing boyfriend, in my brand new car! I didn't need to be careful about anything. Life was good...

(Saraya P.O.V)

"Ugh. I look horrible in this photo." I scoffed at the displeasing photo of Seth and I that had been taken after the commencement ceremony. The pictures have already surfaced and now they were all over the place. This one specific photo of us had made it onto the front cover of the daily newspaper and I looked absolutely awful. What a way to make a first impression to the world! "You never look horrible." Seth told me but I retorted. "Well, I look horrible on here. You look good, as always, and then there's me looking like I have no clue what to do in front of a camera. They literally caught me so off guard and chose to put it on the cover of the newspaper. I think I'm going to be sick!" I sighed as Seth chuckled at my outrage. "Just promise me that you won't throw up at my feet again." He joked about that one night at the club.

"You're not helping! Oh, and look at this!" I held up the newspaper so Seth could read the bold headline of our cover photo: Seth Rollins and a friend Pose at the University of Iowa Commencement Ceremony. "A friend?! As long as we were there together? They even saw us leave the building together and I'm still considered as only your friend?" I scoffed again as I threw the newspaper down onto the counter and shook my head. "You know what you are to me. I know what you are to me. You're my girlfriend and I'm your man. As long as we both know that, who cares what other people think?" Seth told me as he poured two tall glasses of champagne. "Who actually cares what's in the newspaper anyway?" I shrugged. "Well you do, considering the fact that you're outraged over it." Seth smirked at me.

"Shut up. You'd be outraged too if you looked like that in the newspaper." "As you said before, I always look good. No need for me to be outraged." Seth kept that same smirk on his face as he held both glasses in his hands and handed one over to me and I gladly accepted it. "Soon enough, your face will be all over the newspaper, news channels, magazines, billboard signs, all over the world. Everyone will want that face, and that face only, to be on the cover." Seth said as he pointed towards the newspaper lying on the counter. "This is only the beginning, Saraya. Cheers to your success." He raised his glass and I smiled as I raised mine to meet his. We clinked glasses and he took a sip of his, while I downed mine and just seconds. I needed it after what Renee had told me, but after this moment with Seth, I knew that I had nothing to worry about.

Seth placed his glass onto the counter and stood in front of me. "Now to finish where we left off, correct?" He whispered to me but before I could agree, he crashed his lips into mine aggressively. I loved how fast the mood had changed between us. Seth could go from being inspirational to getting me hot and turn me on in just seconds. He pressed his body up against mine as we made out, trapping me in between himself and the kitchen counter. I lustfully thought about the possibilities of what would come next as his soft lips attacked mine. Seth could strip me down of my clothing, carry me over to the couch and make love to me. Or, if I knew Seth well enough, I knew he'd rip my panties right off of me, bend my body over the counter, and fuck me senseless until I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I longed to feel Seth inside me again. I was ready to pounce and devour him right here, right now. I was ready for absolutely anything! That is, until he pulled away and stared right into my eyes as he breathed heavily.

"I wanna take you to my play room." Seth told me as I only stared back at him, lost for words. I know I said I was ready for absolutely anything, but I didn't mean that! Anything but that! "I-I... I haven't signed that contract yet." I said feeling proud of and a bit relieved of my excuse. "It's okay. I just want to take you in there and show you a few things." Seth spoke softly but seductively. His face was only inches apart from mine. Everytime I breathed in, I could smell his manly but sweet scent. I was seduced and mesmerized by him, but not enough to go through with actually going into his play room. "I don't know, Seth..." "I just want to take you in there for a small experience. Hopefully by the time we're done, you'll take signing the play room contract into consideration." Seth explained, which did seem pretty fair. This small experience would give me an idea of what being in the play room is really like. "Okay..." I spoke in a sigh. I really wasn't prepared for this at all, but it's what Seth wanted. He gets what he wants, I get what I want.

He held out his hand and I slowly took it as we made our way upstairs. Although I walked on my own two feet, it felt as if Seth was dragging me by the arm, by force. He walked at normal speed, while I was taking just baby steps. The slower it took for me to walk, the longer it would take for me to be in that room. But it seemed as if being as far away from that room as possible was inevitable. Seth found a way to convince me to be in there with him, without signing the contract. Was this against the rules? I'm not exactly sure, but rules were meant to be broken... apparently. We arrived at the door of the play room as I nervously watched as Seth took out the key and opened the door. He asked me to step inside the dark room first. Though I was hesitant about going inside, I knew I had to do as he said and obey. I stepped inside the pitch black room with Seth coming in right after me. He closed the door shut, eliminating the only source of light that had came from the hallway. We weren't in the dark for long though, as Seth had flicked on the light-switch, keeping it only dimly lit, as if this was romantic.

It was far from that. It actually felt kind of scary and gave me an eery feeling inside. The dark seemed much more comforting than when the room was lit up. I could now see all of the unusual items, that I had seen before, placed all over the room. Chains. Ropes. Whips. Lubricants. Cuffs, and so much more stuff that I was very unfamiliar with. Soon enough, I knew I would be very familiar with a majority of these sexual items. I swallowed the small lump in my throat as Seth watched me take a look around at everything. I turned my head to look at him as he smirked when he saw the nervous look on my face. "Ready?" He asked me.

GULP... "Yes."


To be continued...

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