Go For It

537 18 13

(Paige P.O.V)

Since Renee had taken the car back home after her interview and photoshoot with Mr. Rollins earlier, I rode with him to the coffee shop later on that same day. So unfortunately, I was left with no choice but to Uber back home. Though, Mr. Rollins had offered to take me home, I not so politely declined. I couldn't spend another minute with him. In fact, I never even wanted to see him ever again. How dare he try to use me as an investment for his business? Fucking jerk. I knew he was just like any other business prick. They care about no one but themselves and the money they make. One day when I come up in the business field, I promised myself to never be like that. Never be uptight or be a prick to anyone, and to use my money for nothing but all things good. Too bad Mr. Rollins couldn't do the same.

After the long Uber ride, I had finally made it back home. The car was parked right outside the apartment, so I just knew that Ren was up waiting for me to give her all the juicy details of how having coffee with Mr. Rollins went. She wasn't gonna like what I had to say, considering that he was still her idol. I let out a soft sigh before using my keys to open up the door. I knew Renee was right there on the couch waiting for me, so as soon as I walked inside I said, "Ren, I'm sorry but you are never gonna believe this! Mr. Rollins is a fucking..." I closed the door behind me then turned around to see that Renee wasn't alone. Suddenly, I stopped myself when I seen Corey sitting next to Renee.

"Ugh. Corey, what are you doing here?!" I questioned as I placed a hand on my hip and Renee giggled. "Well hello to you too, Paige." Corey said with a laugh as he stood up from the couch and came over to me to kiss my cheek. "Ew! Back up!" I pushed Corey away from me and rubbed my cheek like I could wipe his kiss away. "Aw, come on! Don't be like that, baby." Corey said with a smirk and I shot him the death glare. "You should be more excited to see your boyfriend." "One, don't call me 'baby' ever again. Two, you're not my boyfriend." I said taking off my leather jacket and throwing it at him before I went over and joined Renee on the couch. "Not yet. I'm not your boyfriend... yet. But I will be." He grinned as he picked up my jacket and set it on the chair for me. "Ren, why's he here?"

"Did you forget? Graves is moving in with us. We're all graduating soon, so he can't stay on campus much longer." Renee explained. I rolled my eyes at her explanation, totally forgetting that he was moving in with us for awhile. Don't get me wrong, I like Corey. He's one of our good friends... who I may or may not have sexually benefitted with for awhile now. Not intercourse wise, but orally. He's good with his fingers too. "That's right, babe. I still have a few more days left to stay on campus. So, I'm moving some of my stuff in for now. But when those days are up, you and I are gonna be roommates." Corey grinned as he sat down on the couch, opposite to me and Renee. "We can have a lot more fun together and talk about making things official between us. So I can finally hit it." Corey shot me a wink and I gave him the finger. "In your dreams, Graves. It'll be a cold day in hell before I let you stick that thing inside of me." I laughed and he frowned at me.

"Okay, okay! Enough with you two! So, you were saying Mr. Rollins is a fucking what?! How did it go?! Tell me everything!" Renee started to hit me with her millions of questions about Mr. Rollins again. I let out a sigh as I was about to explain everything, but then Corey chimed in with his questions. "How did what go? Who's Mr. Rollins?" "I told you, dumbass! That's where Paige was! She went on a date with Mr. Rollins!" Renee explained. "It wasn't a date." "You went on a date?! You're cheating on me?!" "It wasn't a date." "Who's Mr. Rollins?!" "I still can't believe you went on a date with him!" "IT WASN'T A DATE!" I said for the third and final time. They were both saying so much that I never got the chance to explain. But now that I shouted loud enough, finally getting them both to shut up, I had their undivided attention. Now was the time to explain.

"Corey, Mr. Rollins is that huge business guy, from here, that Renee is always talking about. Her idol. As you know, she caught the flu that same week she scored that interview with him, so I filled in for her. The interview didn't go as planned though, because out of nowhere, Mr. Rollins seemingly asked me out. Definitely unexpectedly. He gave me his number and gave me his word that when Ren feels better, she would get her one on one interview with him. He stuck to his word and she got everything she needed and more. When they were done, he and I went out for coffee." I explained to Corey then looked at Renee with a look of a little sadness on my face. Though she desperately wanted to hear about this part, she wasn't going to like the way it ended.

"Renee, the date went so well. So well, that I even asked him to come out to the club with us this weekend." I said to her, which caused a huge smile to form on her lips. Too bad I had to rip that smile away. "But, I don't think he's coming now. I realized that it wasn't a date after all. It was indeed, only a business meeting." I said and she looked at me with a confused expression on her face. "What do you mean?" Renee asked. "He's not interested in me as a girlfriend, Ren. He knew of my knowledge in business and wanted to use me as an investment for his company." I explained to her, yet she was still very confused. "I'm not understanding you, Paige. What did he say?"

"Look, he played his cards right, like anyone in the business field would do. After meeting him back at the interview, he learned of my knowledge and my major in business. Which is why he asked me out. He pretended like he wanted to get to know me better for his own benefit. To soften me up before he would try to convince me to let him invest in not only me, but both of us. After that, he took out this briefcase filled with papers. Blueprints and contracts that he wanted me to sign. I didn't pay much attention to detail to the papers, but he said that the next chapters of our lives, after graduating, were right there on those papers. All I had to do was sign. Bullshit." I said to Renee and she shook her head. "Why didn't you sign?" She asked and I gave her a 'seriously' look. "You can't be serious, Ren. Did you really expect me to sign those contracts? No way." "Why wouldn't you?! He was literally giving us a career right after graduation! Why not take up on that?! Who would say no to that?!" She questioned me in a different tone of voice. "Hello! Earth to Renee! I would!" "That's stupid, Paige! You should have paid more attention to those papers! We seriously have no plans after graduation. What are we gonna do? Live here in this apartment for the rest of our lives or sign those contracts and make something of ourselves?!" "Okay, Renee. Calm down now." Corey tried to quiet her down.

"Why would you want someone to hand your life to you? Don't you want to earn it? Make something of yourself, all by yourself? Without anyone taking credit for your own success?" I asked her and she let out a sigh of frustration. "It doesn't work that way, Saraya! It's not everyday when someone sees something in you the same day they meet you, then a week later, they already want you to work for them. That's a once in a lifetime offer and you may never get it again." Renee explained as she stood up from the couch, excusing herself from the conversation between the three of us. She headed straight for her room, but before she walked in, she turned around to face both me and Corey again.

"The photos from the photoshoot this morning with Mr. Rollins will be finalized on Wednesday morning." She said. "I'm going to pick them up at his office and when I do, just know I'm bringing the subject of this contract back up to Mr. Rollins. If he offers it to me, I'm signing." And with that, Renee walked into her room, slamming the door shut behind herself. I let out a sigh and hugged one of the couch pillows.  "You know, you had a point. But so did Renee." Corey said quietly. "If we both had points, then which one of our points is right." I asked him and he shrugged.

"Well, if you ask me. I'd say Renee is right." "Wow, thanks a lot, Corey." I rolled my eyes at him before going back to hug the pillow again. "C'mon, 'Raya. You know I love you. Wait, I meant Paige! Don't kill me!" "It's fine. You guys can call me Saraya now." "Oh, good. But yeah, Ren is right. That was a once in a lifetime offer. It's not everyday when someone, as rich as that Rollins guy is, hands someone like you two a career. I know how hard you work and much you love earning everything you've got, but maybe this is the one time you can accept getting something handed to you. You've earned that, at least. And it's huge, 'Raya. I think you and Renee should go for it." Corey said and I gave it some thought. Maybe for once, Graves was right. Maybe I should go for it with Renee.


Who made a better point? Paige or Renee?

Is Corey right?

Should they take the over or leave it?

Will Paige ever let Corey 'hit it'? 😂

What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think will happen next? 👀

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