Be Careful

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"Don't worry, we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow at my place. Say 7pm?" He asked and I nodded my head with a hopeful smile. "Perfect. You can drive your new car!" Seth looked at the counter and gave me a quick wink before he hurried out of the door.

Ugh! He's so smooth. I thought to myself before glancing down at the new contract I had in my hands. I saw the play room before. I knew what was in there, I just didn't know how everything could be used. That's what I was afraid of. That and losing Seth again.

The next night - 6pm

(Saraya P.O.V)

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, checking myself out for what seemed like the millionth time tonight. I wasn't exactly sure what to wear for a celebratory night with Seth. One thing I was sure about though, was that as soon as I would walk through his door, whatever I wore would soon be ripped off of me. That, I knew for a fact. So, it didn't really matter what I wore. Seth did confirm that we would pick up where we left off and from my memory of last night, I was moments away from getting fucked. I bit my lip at the dirty thought of Seth and I on the couch last night, but I snapped out of it abruptly as I heard someone open the door to our apartment! I rushed out of the bathroom and ran out to our small living room to see who it could be. I placed a hand over my heart as I let out a huge sigh of relief. Luckily, it wasn't a murderer or anything, it was just Renee.

"Oh, thank goodness.. it's you!" I said to her, feeling relieved as my heart settled down. "Hey, Raya." Renee greeted me tiredly as she closed the door behind herself. As she walked over to the couch, I noticed she walked with a small limp in her step, as if she had just gotten beaten up. "What's with you?" I asked as I made my way over towards the counter and she slumped down onto the couch. "Dean is killing me!" Renee shouted and my eyes widened in horror. "WHAT?! What do you mean?! Should I call the cops?" I panicked as Renee just laughed at my reaction. "Not like that, Raya! I meant, killing me as in wearing me out! We haven't stopped celebrating until earlier this afternoon." She explained. "Ohhh." I said, feeling stupid but I shrugged it off with a laugh. "Wow. That explains why you didn't come home last night. You've been getting physical with Dean literally all day." I laugh at her. "Yes and he's so aggressive with it. I don't know if I can keep up. My body is so sore!" Renee groaned in pain.

I shook my head at her as I chuckled softly. Though the reason why Ren was in that condition was pretty funny, seeing her that way wasn't very funny at all. She was in such pain, but she didn't mind it because of her love for Dean. He must've went overboard with her last night, up until today. Not sure if that was hot or freakin' insane! Was Dean into the same kinky stuff like Seth? Would this be my condition after I signed the contract and sacrificed my body to Seth? I had no idea. I do love Seth very much, but was this really worth it?

"Oh, and..." Renee began, taking me out of my deep thoughts. "There's a badass black car outside with the hugest red ribbon on it! Did you see it? I wonder who's it is---" I grin as I lean up against the counter and hold the keys with the matching red ribbon around it in my hand. Renee sat up on the couch with shock in her eyes as she looked at me. "NO WAY!" "Mhm." "There's no freakin' way!" She shouted in disbelief. "How could you afford that?!" "I couldn't! But Seth could... he surprised me last night!" I smiled. "Are you serious?! That's amazing, Raya! He really--- wait, you guys made up?" She asked and I nodded my head to answer her. "In the best way possible. He not only surprised me with a car but he also flew my mum all the way over here to see me walk across the stage. It was so incredible but so insane! Like, I couldn't believe it." I told Ren all about what Seth had done for me.

"Seriously?! I can't believe I missed seeing you reunite with your mom." "By the time she and I reunited, I'm sure Dean was already balls deep in you." I laughed at her again. "Oh, shut--- well, you're probably right. But still, that's so amazing!" Renee smiled happily for me. "Where is she now? Is she not staying with us until she heads back to England?" "No. She needed to head back as soon as possible to hold the fort down with my daddio. They were still having financial problems... but now, that's all taken care of too." I mentioned as Renee raised an eyebrow at my statement. "How so?" "Seth gave my mum a check of one hundred thousands euros in her name!" "WHAT?! GET OUT!" "I'm not even kidding, Ren! He really did!" "And your mom just accepted it like that? You know how stubborn the both of you can be." Renee stated and I rolled my eyes. "Seth said the same thing. But him being such a smooth gentleman that he is, he found a way to give it to her without her knowing of it, of course. She may be stubborn, like me, but I know she's gonna be so happy and grateful that Seth had done that for her. He's such a sweetheart!" I smiled as I began to think about Seth all over again.

"Whoa, that's incredible, Raya. Also unbelievable and very insane. I can't believe he'd do something like that for you and your family." Renee said plainly. "But, he really seems to love you. Has he told you that yet?" She asked. "Not straight up. He mentioned that he cares very deeply for me. That has to mean something, right?" I asked. "Of course. That and those huge gestures of his proves that he loves you. Just... just be careful, okay?" Renee said. "Careful? What would I need to be careful for?" I asked. "It just seems weird to me. He's doing this and all of the above for you and he's only known you for what--- a few weeks? Maybe a month or so now? You see how he reacts when he doesn't get his way with you. One wrong move... and he may just be a complete asshole to you again. Or worse..." Renee explained and I gave it some thought. She had a point, but I placed that point in the back of my mind. Seth gave me his word that he cares for me and would never be that way towards me again. There was nothing to worry about... nothing except this contract, but I kept that to myself.

I grabbed my phone off the counter and tapped it to look at the time. It was currently 6:30pm! I had been talking to Renee for half an hour and I didn't even realize it until now. "Well, I should get going." I spoke softly as I made my way over towards the door. "Wait, where are you going?" "To Seth's place for the night. We've got some celebrating to catch up on. Don't wait up!" I gave her a wink as I was about to exit, but I peeked my head back inside of the apartment. "Oh, and ice your vagina! Love ya! Byeee!" I laughed as I finally left.

Though I had left in such a cheery mood, I was suffering from a sudden mood drop. Renee's words, "Be careful...", played over and over again in my mind. I told myself that there was nothing to worry about, but I had a feeling that I was wrong. Or maybe Renee was wrong. I needed to brush those feelings off and get back to being excited again. I was a newly graduated woman, up and coming owner of my own business, on my way to my sweet and heart-throbbing boyfriend, in my brand new car! I didn't need to be careful about anything. Life was good.


Who's right: Renee or Saraya?

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