Tell Me About You

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(Paige P.O.V)

"You seem nervous." Mr. Rollins said to me. He wasn't wrong. I was very nervous. Now more than I ever was before. I tried my best not to let it show, but if he knew that I was nervous, then I was obviously doing a terrible job at hiding it. "Say if I am nervous, is that a bad thing?" I asked him and he shook his head after taking a sip of his hot drink. "Not at all." "Good. Then I admit, I'm very nervous." I said which caused him to chuckle quietly. "Why would you be nervous, Ms Bevis?" "Well, you seem very intimidating and intense." "You're intimidated by me?" He asked. "Um, not exactly. It's just who you are and how you carry yourself, you know?" "Actually, no. I don't quite understand what you're getting at." He said. "Why don't you explain?"

"Okay, I guess I'll be straight up. You're in the business field, so I figured you'd be very boring and sort of an uptight business prick who goes by the same routine every single day of his life. Guys like you aren't very spontaneous, so people think you're intensely intimidating because you look at life in a serious way all the time. It's the vibe you give off." I explained. "So, you're trying to read me like a book?" "Are you saying that I'm spot on about you, Mr. Rollins?" I asked him before sipping on my coffee. I knew I was right about him all along. "You're not even close, Ms. Bevis. You should never judge a book by it's cover." Mr. Rollins said to me. "I do take work and look at life very seriously..." "See, I knew you..." I cut him off, only to be cut off right back by him. "But I can assure you, there's no reason for you to be intimidated by me at all. Also, I'm very spontaneous." He assured me but I wasn't buying it. "Is that so?" I asked him. "Very much so." He answered me. "Prove it." "You're sitting across the table from me at one of the finest coffee shops in downtown Iowa. A week ago, you wouldn't have ever imagined being here, would you, Ms. Bevis?" He asked me. I couldn't even form a single word to answer his question. Right then, I knew I was defeated. "It's proven. I'm very spontaneous." He said as he looked at me with a small grin on his face. "Maybe it's about time you stop judging the cover and open up the book to read more about it."

He had a point. I really didn't expect to be here with him a week ago. That was very spontaneous of him. It wasn't right of me to assume that he was like any other boring business person. "Okay, okay, you're absolutely right, Mr. Rollins." I admitted to him, still feeling slightly nervous because that took nothing away from the intimidation. "I should just take this more seriously instead of judging you right off the bat. We're only here to talk business and such, so..." "Actually, that's not the only reason we're here Ms. Bevis." Mr. Rollins cut me off. I gave him a look of confusion. "I'd like to know more about you, if that's okay." "About me? You don't want to discuss business or anything?" I asked him. "If you're in a rush to leave, then sure we could just discuss business first. Then next time..." "No, no...I'm in no rush. I have all the time in the world." "Perfect, Ms. Bevis. Tell me more about yourself."

"Well, what do you wanna know, Mr. Rollins?" "For starters, I have to ask. Uh, Saraya...was it?" He asked with a soft chuckle and I immediately felt my face begin to heat up. "Ugh. How did I know you were gonna ask me that first?!" I laughed nervously. "It was suddenly brought up, then quickly brushed off back at the interview with Ms. Young. Ms. Bevis, you had to know I would ask you sooner or later." "Fine. If you must know, Saraya is my first name. But, I prefer to go by Paige, which is my middle name. Saraya Paige Bevis." "Why do you prefer to go by Paige instead of your first name, Saraya?" He asked. "I don't really like it. It just doesn't fit me. Paige is a lot more badass than Saraya." I explained. "Saraya could be a badass name as well. In fact, I think it's a beautiful name." "Well, thank you, Mr. Rollins." "Could I let you in on a little secret?" Mr. Rollins asked me and I nodded my head yes, intrigued to find out what his secret was.

"Seth wasn't my first name either." He told me and I looked at him in shock. Instantly wondering if Renee had known of this little secret. "Seriously? Your name isn't Seth?" "My first name wasn't Seth, but now it is. My birth-name was originally, Colby Seth Rollins. But just like you, Ms. Bevis, I felt that my first name, Colby, didn't really fit me the way I wanted it too. Honestly, I don't think I'd be the man I am today with a name like Colby Rollins. So, I got rid of my first name and became, Seth Rollins." Mr. Rollins explained to me. "Wow. I have to agree with you. Colby doesn't really sound like a name that fits you at all. I might just have to follow in your footsteps and change my name to Paige." "Now, I have to disagree with you, Ms. Bevis. Paige may seem like a badass name, but truthfully, it's bland." Mr. Rollins said to me. "Bland? Coming from a guy who's name is Seth." I joked and he chuckled at my comment. "Other than me, who's another Seth that comes to mind?" He asked and I thought about it for a minute. Guess he had a point. When you hear the name Seth, you think of him. "See. Now, how many other Paige's do you think are out there? Millions maybe. All thinking the same as you...Paige is a badass name." He explained. "That's because Paige is badass." I said, standing my ground. "So, Saraya isn't? Bet you there aren't many Saraya's in the world saying the same about their name. You've got to own it. When people hear the name Saraya, make them think of you. Make that name into something epic." Mr. Rollins told me. I nodded my head giving it some thought. "Okay. I'll own it. But only on one condition... I get to call you Seth, from now on." I grinned at him. "Done deal, but only on one condition..." He repeated my words. "I get to call you Saraya, from now on." "Fine. Done deal." We smiled at each other and shook hands across the table.

As the date or as I like to call it, 'business meeting' went on, I was no longer intimidated by him anymore. He wasn't a prick, uptight, and definitely not boring as I had assumed about him before. Seth was passionate, genuine, and very interesting once you've gotten to know him. Just looking at him as he spoke to me, made me feel some type of way about him. I don't know, I felt all tingly inside. That is, until he asked me another question, taking me out of my thoughts of him.

"So, I didn't ask about that accent of yours. British, is it? You're British?" He asked out of curiousity. "Yes, I am. Born and raised in Norwich, England." "Really? That's amazing." "Meh, not really. It's a shithole. But I love my Norwich so much, no matter how shitty it is." I chuckled. "Is that what made you want to attend school here in the states?" "Partially. I was fine with attending College back in England, but my mum insisted that I attend a more decent College over here in the states. You know, to give myself a kickstart to the American Dream." "Sounds like your mother only wants what was really best for you, Saraya." Seth said and I nodded my head in agreement. "She's always wanted the best for all of her kids. I have three older brother's, who mum had that same American Dream for. But unfortunately, they had other plans for their own lives. As for me, being my mum's youngest and only daughter, she refused to let me go down the same road as my brother's. She saved up every last cent she had and sent me off to America to make something of myself." I explained as Seth listened intently.

"I see. I'm sure you'll make something of yourself, Saraya. You're a smart, intelligent, and very beautiful young woman. Your future is bright. Believe me, I can see that." Seth said to me, which caused me to blush a little. Knowing that someone as successful as him believed in me, made me feel as if I could accomplish anything I set my heart to. "So, what made you choose to attend a school in Iowa?" He asked, taking me out of my thoughts once again. "Oh, I was looking to attend a College in either California or Florida, but they were too expensive. Mum told me to choose a state that we could actually afford. So, it was either Iowa, Delaware, Wyoming, or you know, any other state that nobody cares about." I chuckled though I was being truthful. "Hey! I care about Iowa." Seth chuckled. "Sorry! Apparently, I care about Iowa too because here I am. It wasn't my first choice, but I'm glad I chose here because I never would have met my best friend, Renee. And, mum could actually afford for me to attend University of Iowa. I don't want to disappoint her."

"Saraya, the last thing your mother will be is disappointed. I can assure you of that. You're graduating soon with the highest degree in Business Management. I may not know your mother but I guarantee that she is proud of you. Trust me, this is only the beginning of something epic." Seth gave me words of encouragement. It was really sweet of him to say and it gave me that tingly feeling inside again. Just as I was going to ask him something, I was cut off by him saying, "With that being said, let's get down to business. Shall we?"


Cliffhanger! 😅

What did you think of the first half of the date/business meeting?

How do you think the second half will go? 👀

Have you been paying attention to everything being said? Seems like Mr. Rollins may be hinting at something with Paige...👀

Find out and see what happens in the next chapter!

Votes/Comments = 💛💛💛


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