Do Something

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It didn't take me long to make a decision this time around. My mind was already made up. "I've already made one bad decision involving myself with Seth Rollins. I'm never doing that again." I told Renee. "I'll see you at commencements." I said before slamming my door in Renee's face, shutting out everything and everyone again.

(Renee P.O.V)

After pulling up at Rollins Enterprises  within the same hour, I let out a huge sigh. Raya wasn't with me and I knew for a fact that Mr. Rollins wasn't going to discuss business with just me alone. This whole thing was mostly about Raya and for her, but I also played a huge role in this upcoming business too. It would benefit the both of us. Unfortunately, the both of us weren't here. I needed Raya to be here with me so badly, but I was all on my own. After taking the time to try and get her to come to the meeting, she still refused. I even thought about not coming myself, but I couldn't risk not showing up. At any given moment, Mr. Rollins could change his mind about all of this and take it all away. That was the worse case scenario. Hopefully, the only thing I'm hoping he'll do is reschedule the meeting and send me all the way back home after this long drive. Well, here goes nothing.

I walked inside the building and instantly grew more nervous than I already was. I couldn't help but be afraid of what would happen when Mr. Rollins saw that Raya wasn't here with me. I've never been one to back out of anything, but that seemed like the best option right now. Other than to put on a brave face and hope for the best. I went with that and told myself to get this meeting over with. "Hello, Ms. Young. Are you here for a meeting with Mr. Rollins today?" The woman at the front desk asked me. "Yes. He told Ms. Bevis and I to come in within the hour for our first real business meeting." "Okay, I'll call him down and let him know that you're here. You can go ahead and wait in Meeting Room 1 and he'll be right with you." "Great. Thanks." I said as I walked down the hall and went straight into the meeting room.

I sat down in one of the chairs and tried to make myself comfortable as I waited for Mr. Rollins to arrive. But, that didn't take long as he had already walked straight into the room just seconds after me. By the sound of his voice, he seemed eager to get started with us. Well me... "Good morning, Ms. Bevis and Ms. Young." Mr. Rollins said without looking up to see that it was only me. I was going to mention that, but he kept going on and on without giving me a chance to speak up. "Glad you both could make it in for your first meeting today. Let's go straight into details, shall we? Okay, so..." He finally looked my way, expecting to see both me and Raya. But as soon as his eyes met with my mine alone, the expression on his face changed instantly. Uh oh...

"Where's Sara---, I mean, Ms. Bevis?" He asked me. Once again, I was about to speak up but he kept going on and on again. "Is she in the restroom? Is she running late? I must say, that is very unprofessional of her to be late." Mr. Rollins continued while shaking his head after his assumption of Raya being late. I didn't want to be rude but I couldn't even get a single word out. "Since she can't seem to be on time for her first meeting, we'll have to cancel today's meeting and try this again. Say, next week? Or maybe we'll reschedule it for at least two weeks from now. Hopefully, that will be enough time for her to get it together and NOT be late again. Thank you for showing up on time today, Ms. Young, but you are dismissed." Mr. Rollins said as he began to collect his papers. If anyone here was being unprofessional, it was him. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. I couldn't get a single word in because of his rant about Raya being late, when the truth was that she wasn't coming at all. Mr. Rollins was being somewhat of a prick with just me alone. If Raya were here, I imagine him being much worse than a prick. I didn't blame her for not wanting to come. But I can't let this go on forever, it was time for me to stand up and do something about this.

Just as Mr. Rollins was preparing to leave, I let out a sigh and said, "Saraya wasn't coming at all." Stopping him in his tracks as he turned around to face me again. "What do you mean she wasn't coming at all?" He asked. "She wasn't being late, as you assumed. I actually came alone because she chose not to come." "Ms. Young, I know you and Ms. Bevis are best friends, practically sisters, but you don't have to make up an excuse for her tardiness." "Instead of running your rude mouth, just listen for a second!" I yelled, finally getting him to shut up. "I hate to be rude to you, but it seems like that's the only way to get you to hear me." He just stared at me in silence but I knew he was listening. Now that I got him where I wanted, it was time to speak up.

"Now look, Raya chose not to come because of you. She didn't wanna hear from you or even see you anymore. To make matters worse, she hasn't left her own room this whole week! In fact, I finally got her to eat something just this morning. That's how bad it is. She's completely shut herself out from the world. That's why she didn't answer yours or anybody else's calls. I saw your calls and text message and showed all of it to her. She wanted you to call her back all week, so you could acknowledge for one second that she actually means something to you in a romantic way... but you didn't. Only thing on your mind was business. I know she's the one who choose to have the business, but she thought you cared enough about her to still love her regardless of the options given to her. Guess not. I guess feelings just immediately go away for you, huh? That's fine, but what isn't fine is you treating her like she doesn't exist." I spoke to him sternly to get my point across but I wasn't even halfway done yet.

"You know what, you were my idol. One of the many people I've looked up to for so long. I know you're not an uptight business prick like Raya thought you would be in the beginning of all this. Despite everything, you still put your pride aside and are still doing such an amazing thing for her with this business. You're doing her this incredible favor that she didn't ask you for. So, what do you get in return for that? Saraya's heart. Something you didn't ask for either, but it's what you want. All that I ask you to do is please don't break it." With that, I stood up from my seat and walked over towards the door, but Mr. Rollins finally spoke up again, stopping me from leaving.

"Wait, Ms. Young. I sincerely apologize if I've come off as more than a prick. If I'm honest, I feel like a bit of an asshole right now. That's not me at all and I'm sorry." Mr. Rollins admitted to me. I only gave him a small nod, accepting his apology. "I know sorry isn't much, but I will do everything in my power to make it up to you and especially Saraya in return. All that I ask now is to come along with you to see her today." I gave it some thought as Seth wasn't exactly her favorite person right now. I knew she wouldn't want to see him today, so it was best to give her some time. "Look, I love that you're stepping up to finally see Raya again, but she needs time. She's taking everything really hard right now. Maybe on Monday after commencements is over, you can talk with her... if she comes." "What do you mean by 'if' she comes?" Mr. Rollins asked.

I let out a sigh, forgetting that I left out a key reason why Raya had shut herself out. "Oh, it's her mom." "Her mom? What's wrong with her? Is she alright?" Mr. Rollins kept going on and on with the questions again. "She's fine. It's just that she called Raya unexpectedly and told her that she wouldn't be able to make it to commencements because of financial problems at home. Raya offered to pay for her plane ticket herself, but her mom wasn't having it. She's devastated." I explained. "She doesn't know if she even wants to attend the ceremony anymore. I can't force her to go but I will try to convince her as much as I can. It's too much of a huge milestone in her life and I know that later down the line in life, she's gonna feel bad if she misses it." "Agreed. I'll try speaking over the phone with Saraya. Hopefully, it'll help make her feel at least a little better." "Good. If not, thank you for trying to do something anyway. I've gotta go and get back to the apartment to check on Raya. I'll see you on Monday."


To be continued...

Meeting Mr. Rollins Where stories live. Discover now