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(Paige P.O.V)

Surely enough, the moment we called Mr. Rollins, he stuck to his word and canceled every single thing he had scheduled for today. Just a few minutes ago, Renee had finished up her one on one interview with Mr. Rollins himself, on the top floor in his office. I was very happy that she finally got the chance to meet him. She was ecstatic. Not only did she get to meet him in person, but she also got the chance to ask him every single question that was left unanswered. Even the intrusive questions that she just had to ask him were answered too! Any question that her little heart desired to know, she did not hesitate to ask. Like she said, she wasn't nervous at all. That's Renee for ya'! Curious? Yes. Intrusive? Very. Unfiltered? HELL YEAH! But I wouldn't want her in any other way. Seems as though Mr. Rollins didn't really mind it much either. In fact, after the interview, he told Renee that he had some sort of surprise for her.

The surprise was a photoshoot of himself and a few shots featuring herself as well. He knew that a few photos would be perfect for not only her final, but for her to keep for memories as well. I could tell she was just feeling over the moon right now. How many people could say that they got to do a whole photoshoot with their idol?! I stood behind the director of the shoot, watching on as Renee posed with Mr. Rollins. After the director finished up with them both in the shot, he called Renee off so he could get a few shots of Mr. Rollins all by himself. Renee was all smiles as she walked off the set and made her way over to where I stood. "My final exam report is gonna kick ass! If I was gonna ace this before, then I'm definitely gonna double ace it now!" She cheered happily. "Hell yeah you are! I can't believe he actually threw in a whole photoshoot just for you." "Anything for his number one fan. Oops, I meant to say...his future wife. He just doesn't know it yet." Renee smirked as she watched Mr. Rollins pose in front of the cameras.

"Yeah suuure. If you're his future wife, then why is it that he's taking me out on a date after this and not you?" I asked her with an eyebrow risen. "Um, I thought you said it wasn't a date. Everytime I brought it up this pass week, you denied it and swore up and down that it was just going to be a 'business meeting.'" Renee said, bursting my bubble as she made air quotes around the words business meeting. "Ugh. Whatever." I rolled my eyes at her and she grinned knowing that I felt defeated. "Exactly. Plus, you aren't dressed up for a business meeting. You're dressed like you're going out on a date!" "Ren, hush! I literally dress like this everyday. It's just a different jacket!" I retorted. "Oh! Is it?! Haha, it's cute! I'm totally gonna have to steal it outta your closet soon." She said causing me to laugh as we both watched on, waiting for the shoot to be done.

"So, has it finally dawned on you that this is actually going to happen?" Renee asked. "Um, no actually." I kept my response short. "C'mon Raya. I know you've got to be nervous for this by now.'re just really good at hiding it." "Call me that one more time and I might just have to choke you, Ren." I threatened her. "Oh pipe down! You love me too much to hurt me, Paige." Renee chuckled and waved a hand, shooing off the idea of me choking her. "Anyway, has he said anything to you about it? Anything at all? Is the date even still happening?" She questioned and I really had no idea at all. "I don't know. Ever since we got here, he only just greeted me. He hadn't mentioned a single thing about the date. Maybe he forgot? I don't think I should..." "Oh my gosh! Paige, don't look now, but he's totally eyeing you right now." Renee cut me off. I hated to be one of those people who looks when someone says not to, but I just had to!

As soon as I glanced over at him, my eyes immediately met with his. He was just so mesmerising and handsome as hell. The way he could easily work the camera like that was astounding. Just looking at him made me feel like I was in a freakin' trance. My body was literally frozen. Oh, I was shook! He was indeed eyeing me, as Ren had said. I couldn't take my eyes off of him...that is, until I felt Renee quickly hit me on my arm, taking me out of my thoughts of Mr. Rollins. "Ow!" "I told you don't look now and you did the exact opposite! Ugh! Don't be one of those people, Paige." "Sorry, sorry! I just...I don't know. I just had to look right away." "Mhm. Yeah, something tells me that the date is definitely still on between you two." Renee did her signature grin once again as we watched the photoshoot continue on.

About twenty more minutes later, the photoshoot was finally done! After talking with the camera crew and director for a moment, Mr. Rollins made his way over to Renee and I. "Thank you for partaking in the surprise photoshoot with me, Ms. Young." He thanked Renee as he stuck his hand out and she immediately took his hand in hers and shook it firmly. "Oh no, thank YOU, Mr. Rollins. I really appreciate this. You really didn't have to do this for me." "Oh, it was no problem, Ms. Young. I have to say, our interview went very well and you did an excellent job. I hope I answered all of your questions to the best of my ability." "Of course you did, Mr. Rollins. I've gotten all of the information I'll ever need. Also, the photos will definitely be a sweet bonus for the report! I can't thank you enough." "You passing your upcoming final exam with flying colors will be the greatest thank you of all. I just know you're going to do so well, Ms. Young." Mr. Rollins said to Renee and I could tell she was gushing. "The photos will be finalized this Wednesday morning, two days before the report is due." "Excellent. I'll be here bright and early to pick them up!" Renee said with the happiest smile.

"Perfect. Now Ms. Young, if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your best friend to have coffee with me." Mr. Rollins said to Renee but looked at me the entire time. I gave him a little smile as that nervous feeling began to take over me again, but I couldn't let it show. Not in front of Ren and definitely not in front of Mr. Rollins. "Oh! I don't mind at all. I'm sure Saraya here doesn't mind either." Renee grinned at me and I shot her the glare of death. "Pardon?" Mr. Rollins questioned with an eyebrow risen. "Oops! Sorry, I meant Paige! She hates her real name." Ren shrugged as I continued to glare at her, but still tried to look as normal as possible. "Anyways, I should get going now and so should you two. Thanks again, Mr. Rollins! So glad that I finally got the chance to meet you. You have no idea how much this means to me. I appreciate you for this once in a lifetime opportunity." Renee shook his hand one final time. "Normally, I'd tell other dudes to bring Paige back by 10, but you're Seth freakin' Rollins! So, you can bring her back whenever you want to!" "REN!" I shouted at her, feeling slightly embarrassed by her comment. She laughed and Mr. Rollins chuckled lightly. "Will do." He said as she gathered up her papers. She then waved goodbye and gave me a quick thumbs up before she left me all alone with the man himself. If I couldn't believe that I was going out on a date with Mr. Rollins before, I believed it now more than anything. It was actually happening...


It's happening! Paige is going out on a date with Mr. Rollins! 😍

How do you think it's gonna go? 👀

If you were Paige, would you be nervous? 😅

How do you think Renee is gonna do on her report now?

Also, does Renee seem genuinely happy for Paige? 👀

Votes/Comments = 💚💚💚


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