The Truth

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He carried me off someplace, then put me down as I began to glare at him once again. "What's your problem? Do you know how rude you were back there? That was very disrespectful of you, Saraya." "It's disrespectful of you to lie in my fucking face like that." "What are you talking about?"


(Saraya P.O.V)

"Don't act like you don't have a fucking clue of what I'm talking about! You know exactly why I'm pissed." I snapped at him. He looked down and let out a disappointed sigh. "Is this about my sister?" He asked me and I laughed at him still trying to make me believe that Alexa was really his sister. First of all, they look nothing alike! I should have known she wasn't his sister the moment I saw her. "Seriously?" "Look, I know Alexa had been throwing jabs towards you throughout the night, but she means well, Saraya. She's my sister and she's only hard on you because we are family. She wants the best for me." Seth explained as I just gave him a look of amusement, though I was livid. He was really carrying on with this lie, when I already knew the truth behind it. "Fuck you, Mr. Rollins." I flipped him off before taking only two steps away as Seth grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me back to him.

"Okay, you're obviously really, really upset about this. Just talk to me. Please." Seth said as he looked me in the eye, but I looked away from him. I knew he was genuinely concerned about what was bothering me, but I couldn't face him right now. He's a liar. "Saraya? Please? Come on, I'm begging you at this point. I can't have you leave me--- I can't have you leave... just please... say something. Anything. What did my sister say to you?" He asked. That's when my eyes jolted back up to meet his and I glared at him with such rage. "That she's not your fucking sister!" I snapped again as I snatched my arm out of his grip, but I didn't walk away. Nope. I stayed just to see the look on his face when he finally found out that I knew this major secret he and his entire family had been keeping from me.

"That's right. Alexa isn't your sister. She's your ex girlfriend. Your EX GIRLFRIEND!" I shouted as Seth face looked flushed. "No wonder she's been throwing shade at me and giving me the side-eye look all night. Your ex and your current girlfriend in the same place, at the same time, but she's pretending to be your sister? And everybody knew about that... except me? Wow." I shook my head as I crossed my arms over my chest. "How the fuck do you think that makes me feel? Don't answer that. You don't know how it makes feel because you didn't ever think of me and the way I'd feel about your ex being at your family's dinner as well. So, you hid it from me... instead of telling me the truth?" I glared at him. Now he was the one in silent mode as he just stood there looking dumbfounded.

"Hmph. I'll let you in on a little secret, since you don't know how to let me in on yours: Hurt me with the truth, never comfort me with a lie because when I find out... it's gonna hurt me twice as bad. And guess what... it does hurt. Hurts like hell. How do I know if I can ever trust you again?" I looked at his face, searching for an answer to my question, but found nothing. I let out a sigh as I took a look down at the ground. Silence had fell between the both of us as we stood in the middle of a dark road, not far from his parent's house. I didn't want to be around him any longer. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to ever see him again. He could go back to his parent's place or do whatever he bloody wants... but I wasn't going to be with him. I looked up at him one last time. Seemingly, he knew he was in the wrong and clearly wasn't sure what else to say to me. So the silence gave me an answer: Leave.

Without another word, I walked off down the road, only about a few feet away from where we just were. I felt a pair of hands grab ahold of my arm again and turned to see that it was Seth, again. No matter how many times I tried to get away from him, he wouldn't allow it, although he was still silent. He just gave me one look and I knew that he was sorry. But at this point, seeing that he was sorry wasn't going to cut it. I needed a verbal apology and hopefully an explanation to go along with it. Knowing that Alexa was his ex girlfriend was one thing, but what about all that she said about him? Was it true?

"My mom called me last minute and told me that Alexa would be joining us for dinner. I immediately thought about not going because of her, but my mom was already looking forward to not only me, but you coming as well. I couldn't let her down, but I couldn't have you feeling some type of way either. So, I talked to Alexa, my parents, and everyone else, and told them to pretend that Alexa is my sister for the night, so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable." Seth explained. "Reason why Alexa joined us for dinner is because she and I were together for a long time. No one knew that except for my family, who are really close with Alexa. When we broke up, I took it pretty hard, but they seemed to be more upset about it than I was. They've always considered her as family, so that's why she attends some of my family's events... hence the dinner tonight."

"You could've just told me all of that." I said to him after he explained why Alexa was there. "I know and I should have. Guess I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure how you'd react. So, I kept it from you to avoid that kind of situation for myself. I shouldn't have. I should have put your feelings first because now I see that I hurt you. I hurt you and I hate myself for hurting you. I'd never hurt you intentionally, so for that and everything else, I am deeply sorry." Seth apologized. I knew he was being truthful with me, so of course I wanted to forgive him... but there was still a few things I needed to know about. So while he was being honest, I had to ask before I forgave him.

"Awhile back, when I had first met your mum by surprise, you said she was happy and excited because I was the first woman she saw you with. But that wasn't the case, since Alexa was obviously the first. So, was that a lie too?" I asked him. "Not exactly. As I mentioned before, after Alexa and I broke up, I took it pretty hard. I felt like she only used me for my wealth to advance her own career. Blissful Beautique? I made that happen for her and as soon as she got just a taste of her own success, she left me." Seth explained as my jaw dropped. Alexa had told me something like this about Seth earlier tonight, but she turned it around to make him seem like the bad guy. I knew she was a bitch.

"I know you're being honest with me, but I can't forgive you just yet." I told Seth as he just gave me a look of concern. Whatever my concerns were, I knew he was willing to listen. "Before I found out Alexa was your ex, she said a lot of things about you. Like the whole wealth thing... she said people have used you for it, so you turned around and started using other people, for your own personal pleasure?" I asked with an eyebrow risen as Seth let out a sigh. Just from that small sigh, I knew it was true. "You're using me?!" I snapped yet again. "No, no, no, Saraya! I'm not using you at all." Seth said to me as I shook my head at him. "Just please, let me explain." "I'm getting tired of these explanations." "I know, but I'm willing to come clean and tell the truth instead of leaving you in the dark. I just need you to hear me out." "Fine. Go on." I rolled my eyes as he continued.

"When Alexa and I broke up... I took it very hard. I was hurt. I felt used. Using someone is one of the worst things you could do to a person. I'd never imagine using someone for my own benefits, that is, until someone, Alexa, used me for her own benefit. She was with me during my entire come up. Before I was Seth freakin' Rollins. She stood by me through it all and I promised her that once I became a great success, I'd give her a business of her own someday. She deserved that more than anything and as soon as she got it... she left." Seth's voiced cracked at that last part. I could tell that Alexa meant a whole lot to him back then. "Was that her plan all along? Did she stick around for that long because she believed in me? Or was it because of my money? She was my world. I invested so much of my time and energy into our relationship. And the promise that I've always made her every single day was never broken, because she's got it all now. And left me in the dirt. She was family and still is according to my parents, but to me, she's..." "A bitch." I said finishing Seth's sentence. "Well, I was gonna say trash, but your word choice seems more accurate." "Ain't that the truth?" I said as we shared a laugh together before Seth carried on...


To be continued...

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