Fairytale Life

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"She was my world. I invested so much of my time and energy into our relationship. And the promise that I've always made her every single day was never broken, because she's got it all now. And left me in the dirt. She was family and still is according to my parents, but to me, she's..." "A bitch." I said finishing Seth's sentence. "Well, I was gonna say trash, but your word choice seems more accurate." "Ain't that the truth?" I said as we shared a laugh together before Seth carried on...

(Saraya P.O.V)

"Truthfully..." Seth began as he continued on with his explanation. "I can't fully paint Alexa out as the bad guy, or girl in this case. What she had done to me was cruel and hurtful. She left me and my heart damaged..." His voice had began to crack again, so he took a second to pause. I placed my hand onto his arm in a comforting way. I knew it was hard for him to talk about what hurt him, but I wanted him to know that I was here no matter what. "Damaged so much to the point where I thought I could never love someone again. At least not in the same way that I loved her." Seth said. "So, after that heartbreaking experience, I made a vow to myself. I never wanted to mix business with my love life or pleasure, if you will, again. Meaning... Alexa was right about me. I have used women for my own personal pleasure..." He admitted and that's when I felt my heart drop.

Since the beginning, I knew this was too good to be true. I had been living this fairytale life where I met my prince, we fell in love, we lived in a castle, had epic sex, of course, and he would make every single one of my wildest dreams come true... Only to find out that I was being used in the end... Guess not all fairytales have happy endings. I removed my hand away from Seth's arm. Screw his comfort! What about me?! I wasn't sure if I wanted to punch him in his fucking face right now or turn and walk away from him for good. I was filled with anger and rage, but sadness was the feeling that took over me. I felt tears beginning to well up in my eyes, but I would not allow them to ever fall down. There had to be further explanations for this, there just had to!

"I am not exactly proud of that, but it was the only way to know what people really wanted from me." Seth carried on. "So, I came up with contracts. One for business, the other for committed relationships. As you know, I am all about business, so I focused on my company and only worried about expanding my brand. But I am a man, I still had needs. I hadn't been with anyone since Alexa. Not in a serious kind of way but I have met a few women. I was never ever seen with any of them because I didn't want the media to spread false news. So I avoided that until I knew for sure that women, such as Leighla and Sarah, wanted to be with me for me, not for my money." Seth explained.

"Why are Leighla and Sarah working for your company now?" I asked him with an eyebrow risen. If I wasn't mistaken, Leighla and Sarah were both women who Seth was looking to be in serious relationships with at some point, but something must've happened for them to be working for him now. Was that my fate as well? He let out a sigh and that's when I knew that something bad would be said. "Reason why I have the contracts... Like I said, I never knew what people wanted from me, so I left the decision up to them. While dating, I brought up the contracts to the both of them, they were quick to sign away with the business one. Never even giving the relationship contract a chance or a second thought. I guess money means more to people than love does." Seth said, making my heart drop again but this time, it dropped for him.

He was damaged so badly from heartbreak that he had to come up with contracts just to know if someone really wanted to be with him. Why would anyone break his heart like that? He's so loving and passionate about everything he does, but people don't see that because he's got money. Enough money that he's willing to offer business contracts to people who don't even deserve it. I saw past that though... but now I felt bad for choosing business first. Did I even deserve it?

"That's when the 'using' began. When I said my own personal pleasure, I didn't mean sex." Seth explained and I almost breathed out a sigh of relief because that was the first thing I thought of. But if not sex, then what? "They thought they were getting their own business from me when really, they signed to work for my business. Sarah ended up working the front desk and Leighla is my driver, when I don't feel like driving myself. I use them 'business wise' but they still get paid, so I don't see the problem. You should always read your contracts." Seth said to me. I had been given so much time to read over his contracts that I probably have it memorized! Never once in the contract did it say that I had to work for his company... maybe that wasn't my fate after all.

"So, where does that leave me? Do I have a spot waiting for me in your company now too?" I asked him. "No. You have a company of your own, just waiting for you to take over." Seth said to me with a small smile on his face. I raised my eyebrow at him again with a confused expression written all over my face. "Remember when I said that I had a surprise for you before this chaotic night all began?" Seth asked me and I nodded my head. "Well, I say we end this night on a happy note and get right to that." He took out his cell phone and called an Uber for the both of us. Within the next few minutes or so, the Uber had since arrived and we headed off towards downtown Iowa, where the Rollins Enterprises building was located, but we were a few blocks away from there and near another unfamiliar building.

Seth stepped out from the Uber first then he took my hand to help me step out next. We stood in front of this building, that actually wasn't quite done being built yet. It was surrounded by a bunch of construction work items and caution barrels so we couldn't get in the way of things. "What's this?" I asked him as I stared up at the unfinished building while Seth stood by my side. "Yours." He said to me. Just that one word alone was enough to not make my heart drop, but light up with joy! "Yours?! I mean--- mine?! MINE?! What do you mean by mine?!" I looked over at him in complete shock, but it was a happy kind of shocked. Guess I was surprised by this. "That building there?" Seth pointed towards the building before smiling at me. "It's yours. It's all yours. As soon as it's done, you will officially take over and become the great success I always knew you could be. Since day one."

"But I... I don't understand... I thought you don't actually do this anymore since the whole Alexa thing and you place people within your own company instead... I-I thought..." I stuttered. "I hope you didn't think that was your fate, did you?" He asked me. "Well, I kinda did... I figured that you wouldn't do this because of the vow you've made." "Some vows are made to be broken for the person you love. I love you, Saraya. You deserve this. I was always willing to make this dream of yours come true whether or not you loved me back or not. I care for you that much and more." Seth said and I felt those same tears begin to well up in my eyes again. This time, they were tears of nothing but pure joy. "Seth!" I couldn't help but hug him as tight as I could as the tears finally came down my face. "I love you too." I cried into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me for comfort.

Maybe my life was a fairytale after all. A fairytale with such a beautifully written happy ending. I got the prince, my wildest dreams were coming true right before my eyes, and we would live happily ever after in our castle... and still have epic sex!


The End?

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