What Does the Contract Say?

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(Renee P.O.V)

It had been a long two days for me, but finally it was Wednesday! Today, the photos from the surprise photoshoot I did with Mr. Rollins on Monday morning would be finalized and ready for pick up. I had woke up bright and early, showered, and was ready to be on my way. I couldn't wait to see how the pictures turned out, but that wasn't the only thing on my mind. I had to know what was in that contract Paige had told me about on Monday. It's been constantly on my mind ever since then and hopefully, I would be able to find out for myself. But, I wanted Paige to be there with me.

Unfortunately, Paige and I hadn't spoken a single word to each other since that same Monday. She had her beliefs of what was on the contract and I had mine. We couldn't agree or agree to disagree on the whole situation, so that ultimately lead us to being on two different sides of the fence. I wanted to try and see things her way. Maybe she did have a point, but I knew that I made an even bigger point than Paige. Something inside me longed to know what was on that contract. I just knew that whatever it was would prove that Paige was wrong. Whether she wanted to come along with me and find out what was on it, depended on her. Only thing that depended on me was breaking the silent treatment between Paige and I, to find out if she would like to come with me to Mr. Rollins' office. Here goes nothing.

I checked the time on my phone, having less than five minutes until I needed to leave the house to be on my way. I opened up the door to my room and walked straight out and over to Paige's room. I knocked three times, but got no answer from her. I knocked again, but got the exact same result. "Paige, are you awake?" I asked as I put my ear up to the door to see if I could hear her snoring. Usually, I'd just barge into her room without a care in the world. She'd be mad at me, only for like five seconds though. But today was day two of us being mad at each other, the longest ever, so barging in wasn't really an option. She'd be pissed. "I just want to know if you wanted to come with me to..."

"She's not here." I was cut off by an all too familiar voice. I turned around to see none other than Corey over on our couch. I hadn't even noticed that he was here this morning. "Oh hey, Graves. You're here early." "Yeah, 'Raya called me over this morning. She said she needed help with something." Corey said. "With what?" I asked him. "She didn't say, but she'll be back in a second though. She said she was going to study real quick and to be here when she gets back. We both know that she hates studying, so she'll be back any minute now." He explained. "Damn. I can't wait here much longer. I've gotta go pick up the photos from Mr. Rollins' office today. I wanted to see if she would come with me to find out what that contract says." I said to Corey. "I'm sure if she wanted to go with you, she wouldn't have left." He said to me. He had a point and it was right. If she wanted to come along to find out, then she would be here. Oh well.

"Good point. Well, I guess I'll get going without her." "Don't worry, Ren. Once you find out for yourself and come home, 'Raya should be back here by then. Then you can tell her about it. Whether it's good or bad, she's right and you're wrong, or vice versa, I think she might want to know." Corey said and I nodded my head at his comment. I grabbed the car keys from off the counter, suddenly coming to the realization that Paige hadn't taken the car this morning. If she didn't, then how did she get to wherever she went to study? That was a question to be answered for later. I didn't have much time to put all the pieces together right now. I had to focus on one thing and one thing only. I'll deal with Paige later. Right now, I was determined to find out what was on that contract. I was only minutes away from hopefully finding out for myself. "See ya, Graves." With that, I left the apartment.

Nearly an hour later

"Again, thank you so much, Mr. Rollins. These photos came out so amazing! I can't wait to turn them in with my report this Friday." I said to Mr. Rollins as I shook his hand again. "No need to thank me, Ms. Young. It was a pleasure working with you this week." He said and I couldn't help but smile at him. "The pleasure was all mine. This was an absolute dream come true, you have no idea." "Hopefully, we can work on another project together in the future." "Oh, I'd love that more than anything. Maybe it could be for business." I mentioned to him and he nodded his head. "Oh, of course, Ms. Young. If I'm good at anything in this world, it's business for sure." And looking fine as hell, that's for sure. I thought to myself, but I quickly shook those thoughts away. I had to stay focused and casually bring up the contract!

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