Crashing Down

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"What if he calls me back while I'm asleep? I can't afford to miss his call, Ren." "Raya, you're being ridiculous. He'll call you back when he's ready. If not, then he'll still call you because we have unfinished business to take care of. Now, I hate to sound like a mom right now but go to your room and go to bed. Okay?" Renee told me and I nodded my head. I stood up from my seat and turned to go back into my room, but just as I did... my phone started to ring.

(Saraya P.O.V)

I quickly turned back towards the counter as soon as I heard the first ring from my phone. I knew Seth would call me back! It was only a matter of time, but also a huge test on my patience. I had the hugest smile on my face. I went from feeling absolutely tired to feeling like I was instantly well rested. I cleared my throat before picking up my phone from off the counter and as soon as I read the caller ID, my heart immediately sank. "Well, what are you waiting for, Raya?! Answer it!" Renee shouted at me as I just stared at my phone's screen. "It's not Seth." "Well, who is it then?" She raised an eyebrow. "It's my mum." I spoke softly before finally tapping the answer option. "Hello? Mum?"

"Hello, Paige." "Ugh, mum you don't have to call me Paige anymore. I'm used to Saraya now." "Seriously? All this time you convinced me to call you by your middle name because you hated your first." "I've grown to love it now, I guess." "You should have loved it since the day you were born." "Mum, did you call me this early in the morning to scold me about what name I choose to be called or do you have a genuine reason why you called?" I snapped at her. "Oh, I forgot it is morning over there. Sorry, love. Did I happen to wake you?" Mum asked. "No, I just so happened to be awake already. Can I help you with something?" "Chill out, it's your mom." Renee whispered to me from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyed with everything.

"Geez, Raya. What's got your panties in a twist this morning?" Mum asked me. "Nothing." "Seems like it is something, love." "It's just... I was waiting on a call all day and night. Then you called unexpectedly and I thought it was him." "Ooh, who's him?" My mum asked in a curious tone but I couldn't tell her about it. "He's nobody now. Just someone I know or thought I knew." "Don't worry about him then, Raya. You're graduating soon and have your whole life ahead of you. Big things are coming, sweetheart. Your dad and I are proud of you, so are your brothers. Keep your head up, darling." Mum's words made me feel a little better. Leave it to her to always lift me up when I'm feeling down. "But as you asked me before, I did have a genuine reason why I called you this morning." "Well what is it, mum?" I asked her and she let out a soft sigh.

"Daddio won't be able to make it to your commencement ceremony." "Mum, I knew that already. He never flies out here or anywhere else because he hates airplanes. I get it. But I've still got you, right?" I hoped. "I'm sorry, love. But I'm afraid I won't make it over there either." "What? What do you mean? Why not?" My heart was beginning to sink even lower than before. "I was going to fly out and your dad was going to come as well to surprise you, but money is tight right now, Raya. We've saved up enough to come, but then bills came up and we've still got to put food on the table and keep this old roof over our heads. We just can't afford it. But listen, we love you more than life itself and we are extremely proud of you, princess."

"Mum, I have some money saved up for emergencies. I can fly you guys out here if you need me to." "No, Raya. Listen, you keep that money saved up just in case there's a real emergency, okay?" "You don't understand, mum. This is a real emergency to me. Aside from everything else happening in my life right now, this is what I wanted more than anything. I wanted you to see me walk across that stage and show you that everything you've sacrificed for me, has payed off. I'll be the first of your children to attend and graduate from college. Don't you want to witness that? I want you to be there." I was tearing up and I heard mum sniffle a bit on the other end. I knew she was on the verge of crying too. "Saraya, I'm proud of you. I love you so much and I already know it's payed off because you are such an intelligent, smart, and beautiful young woman who has a bright future ahead of her. I can't let you spend your savings, but I will see what I can do." I sighed as the tears finally fell down. "Okay, mum. I love you too." She was going to say something else, but I hung up so she wouldn't hear me crying.

"Oh, Raya." Renee gave me a look of sympathy as she came over and hugged me tight. She heard everything said and knew exactly why I was breaking down like this. Everything going on with Seth right now was one thing, but my mum, who has sacrificed so much for me, wouldn't even make it to see her sacrifices finally pay off. The one thing I was sure about was being taken away from me. My whole world was crashing down on me in full force and I couldn't take it any longer. The tears running down my face proved that more than anything.

"I-I just don't understand, Ren. Why is this happening to me? Why?" I sobbed as I pulled away from the embrace to wipe the tears, but they continued to fall. "I don't know, Raya, but everything will be okay. Your mom was right, you do have a bright future ahead of you and you will do great things. She won't be there for the start of it, but she's your mom, she'll be there to witness the beauty of all the great things you'll do." "I just wish she could be there for this too. Why won't she just let me pay for everything?" I questioned as I sniffled a bit and wiped more of my tears. "Maybe because she's just like you? Or vice versa. You've never wanted anything handed to you, Raya. Maybe she feels the same way and would rather try to figure out a way to make it here before she has her own daughter pay for it herself." Renee said. If anything was accurate, it was totally that. Now I see where I get it from.

"I need to go lay down. The day just started and I'm already over today." I said then let out a sigh as I set my phone back down onto the counter. "Wait, you don't want to take your phone with you? Just in case Mr. Rollins calls?" I simply shook my head at Renee's question. I wasn't waiting up all day for anybody anymore. I didn't even want to see my phone again. With that, I finally went to my room, slamming the door behind myself in the process. I flopped face first onto my bed and just like that, the tears started back up again. I just wanted this week to be over with already.


Poor Raya... 😔

Hopefully things will get better for her soon.

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