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"So, Ms. Bevis, what will it be?" I took a deep breath and looked up at both Renee and Seth with confidence written all over my face. "It was a tough choice to make, but I'm sure you will be satisfied with my decision. I chose... the first one. The business contract."

(Saraya P.O.V)

That was it. After weeks and weeks of trying to decide which one of the contracts I should sign, I went with the first one. The business contract. Why? Well, it was my dream. Everything I've always wanted and worked so hard for was right there in front of me. Although, I've never wanted anything handed to me, Ren was right since the beginning. I've worked hard enough to have at least one thing handed to me. If this was that one thing, my one opportunity, my one chance, my one shot at having my dreams come true, then maybe I should take this risk and go for it. And I did. I chose to chase after my dream, instead of chase after love. It was a risky decision, but I hope I didn't risk it all because I still love Seth.

"YES! YES! Smart thinking, Raya!" Renee cheered after I revealed which contract I had signed. Signing the business one meant that she would benefit from it too. Seth could also benefit from it as well, since he was the one investing in it. But the look on his face told a different story. He seemed surprised with my decision but he also looked as if he was hurt. "Okay, so when do we start? I've already got a great name for our business and everything!" Renee pulled out a few papers of her own as she was more than ready to start preparation for the business, but she got no answer. My eyes never left Seth as he sat there without saying another word. I looked at Ren as she raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "Uh... Seth?" I looked back to him and he seemed to snap out of his deep thoughts. He cleared his throat and said, "It's Mr. Rollins." So much stern in his voice. He snapped at me.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Mr. Rollins. Got it." I said softly as I looked down. The atmosphere in the room changed instantly. Seth was all smiles earlier and even gave us exciting news. Now, he acted as if he were an uptight business prick. Ever since I revealed my decision, it was like Seth left the room and came back as someone I couldn't recognize. It was like I didn't even know him anymore. "So, I have a few papers here. We could go straight into that if you..." Renee was speaking but Seth, I mean Mr. Rollins, cut her off. "This meeting is over. I have more important work to do. I'll call you both some time this week so we can get started on this and further discuss the details. Sound good? Great." Mr. Rollins said without looking up at either one of us. Especially not me. With that, he grabbed the signed contract and took the second one as well, then he got up and exited the meeting room, leaving both Renee and I lost and confused. "What just happened?" She asked, breaking the short silence in the room. I stared at the empty chair where Mr. Rollins was sitting just seconds ago, "I have no idea."

"You don't think he's being harsh on you because of your decision, do you?" "Well the moment I revealed which contract I signed, he turned into a completely different person." "Yeah, I noticed. Maybe you should go after him?" Renee suggested and I let out a sigh as I stood up. "Maybe so. Come on." I walked out from the meeting room and was headed for the elevators but that's when the woman at the front desk stopped us. "Oh, I'm sorry ladies. But the exit is that way." She pointed towards the way out of the building. "Oh no, we need to talk with Mr. Rollins before we leave. Don't worry, I know which floor his office is on. Thank you." "Ms. Bevis, I'm sorry but Mr. Rollins himself requested for you to exit the building immediately." "Seriously?!" I said in disbelief. "Yes. If you refuse to leave, I'm going to have to call security." "Geez, lady. Calm down, we're leaving. Come on, Raya." Renee said as she gave the woman a cold glare before we exited the building. "Why don't you just call him when we get home? That'll give him a chance to cool down for awhile." "Okay. I'll try it."


"Hey, Seth. Please answer or call me back whenever you get this message."

"It's me again. Look, I know you're busy but when you get a chance, call me back or message me. We really need to talk. Okay?"

"Seth? I really need to talk to you. Why'd you snap like that back at the meeting? Call me back. Please?"

I slammed my phone down onto the counter and let out a sigh of frustration. I began to pace back and forth as I waited for Seth to call me back but it seemed as if I would be waiting forever. This whole thing bothered me so much that I had left at least 20 voicemails and probably thousands of text messages. What was his deal? Why was he acting this way towards me? Questions like that ran through my head over and over again, but the answer was right there in my face. It's because I signed the business contract and not the pleasurable one. The second was more in Seth's favor and he must've thought that was the one I had picked. But since it wasn't, he's giving me a hard time.

Honestly, the pleasure/romance contract was the one I was going to sign at first. But I thought I'd take a risk, sign the business contract, and Seth would still be in love with me. I thought I'd get away with having both. To be able to live out my dream with my dream guy by side and share my biggest dream with him. But then reality kicked back in as soon as I told him which contract I signed. All of that flew right out of the window in just seconds. Now reality is kicking my ass in the worse way and Seth wants nothing to do with me.


"Raya, you're still out here? Have you been to sleep yet?" Renee yawned as she came out of her room to check in on me. I was still sitting by the counter, holding my head in my hands tiredly. "No. I can't sleep. I'm not tired." "Well, you sure do look tired." Renee said as she went into the kitchen to make some coffee. "I know you haven't been up all night waiting for Seth to call you back." She looked at me and placed a hand on her hip as I gave her a look of guilt. "Seriously?" "I'm freakin' losing it, Ren! Why won't he talk to me?!" I whined as I laid my head down on the counter. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't allow myself to do so just yet. That would mean that I've given up, and that's something I will never do. No matter the situation. But this situation sucks! No wonder why I never wanted a boyfriend.

"Look, you need to get some rest. Why don't you head to sleep now and maybe try calling again later on today or tomorrow." "What if he calls me back while I'm asleep? I can't afford to miss his call, Ren." "Raya, you're being ridiculous. He'll call you back when he's ready. If not, then he'll still call you because we have unfinished business to take care of. Now, I hate to sound like a mom right now but go to your room and go to bed. Okay?" Renee told me and I nodded my head. I stood up from my seat and turned to go back into my room, but just as I did... my phone started to ring.


To be continued...

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