Dream Guy

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Minji's POV

I run as fast as my two legs will take me through the all to familiar forest.

I have to get away.

I turn against another tree only to end up in the same part of the woods that I was in before. Realizing that I was running in a loop only worried me so I hide behind a wide tree.

Soon I hear leaves crunch near me. As I cover my mouth and close my eyes.  Afraid that he will hear me.

He can't find me.

It was a long pause until I hear footsteps take off running in another direction from where I was.

I take a few seconds before I peak from behind the tree. And when I noticed that the coast was clear. I ran away, soon seeing my house come into view.

But right before I could successfully make it out of the woods. I feel cold and clammy hands wrap around my arms. Yanking me back and against a tree.

I screamed and kept my eyes closed. Feeling hot breath blow onto my face in short puffs.

I knew for sure that I was dead. But it still didn't stop my screams.


I hear a calm voice call. I slowly open my eyes only to see that the person in front of me was none other than Baekhyun.


"Why?" He asked will sorrow filled eyes. As my eyes made their way to his chest. That happened to have a deep wound.

"Why would you do this!" He yelled gripping my arm hard enough to leave a bruise.

"Why would you do this!!"

I sit up from my bed in a cold sweat. Before looking around and realizing where I was.

I was still in my apartment.

I sighed heavily and put my face in my hands while I tried to calm my heart rate down.

I can't believe I'm not used to having these dreams yet? I've been having them for months now and yet and still, I always wake up startled and sweating.


I snapped my head to the side only to see that it was little Chulsoo who called my name. And I sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" He asked rubbing his eyes. And I smile before rubbing his head.

"Ne I'm okay. Now go back to bed" I said pushing him back down and pulling the blanket on him. And just like that he went back to sleep.

I got out of bed and decided to shower since I feel disgusting from sweating so much.

This is how my early mornings go and have been going since.......

I last saw him.

I have these weird dreams about Baekhyun every night. And each of them are different. But the only thing that stays the same is the uneasy feeling I get before I realize it's him.

And in every dream. He's hurt.

I let the hot water run down my back as I stared in a daze.

Is he okay?
Does he still think of me?

Those thoughts cross my mind before I mentally smack myself.

"Aishh Minji get it together. It's his fault remember" I say before running my hands through my hair and shaking any other crazy thoughts.

I then finished my shower. And as I was drying off. I noticed something very odd....

My arms had purple bruises on them in the shape of a hand print.

Kinda like.....in my dream.

I examined myself feeling more creeped out than ever.
What could this mean? I have to talk to Suho about this.

This can't be good.


"Have a good day Chulsoo. And remember what I told you. Be yourself because-"

"Everyone else is taken" Chulsoo said finishing my sentence before smiling. Showing me his missing teeth.

I ruffled his hair and patted him off to his day at school.

And as I watch him walk away. One of the teachers walked up to me with a serious look on her face.

"So how's it going?" She asked knowing I would understand what she was talking about.

"Not well. His drug attic of a mom is trying to fight for custody" I said rolling my eyes and she puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You got it in the bag. It's not going to be much of a fight" she said making me chuckle.

"Maybe. But it is a headache" I replied before she wished me a farewell. And I started on my way to work.

And on the way I couldn't stop thinking about the court case that's coming up.

Chulsoo is this little guy that I met when I first moved into my apartment. He's from the last floor and has a scummy mom and a nonexistent dad.

He reminds me a lot of myself when I was his age after my dad left. And omma became rude to me.

May She Rest In Peace.

And since I met him, I started to see him everyday on the stairs. Until I finally asked him why he's never at home.

He told me that he doesn't like to go back because of the way she treats him. So from that day forth I took him under my wing.

And when he would get in trouble for never being in a apartment building. I let him come and stay with me.

His mom didn't even know he was gone until two months later when she knocked on my door drunk one day.

Yelling profanities and trying to yank him out of my apartment. And when the police found out that she did drugs and other things in the building. They kicked her out while the courts gave me temporary custody since Chulsoo has no other family.

Poor guy.

But now it's been four months and I'm trying to get full custody. But his mom is trying to fight me on it like she has a chance.

As if

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring from the passengers seat.

So I answered without looking at the caller ID.



"Suho! I was about to call you once I got to work" I said.

"Really? That's ironic. But I have to te-"

"Yeah. It was about my dream last night" I said and he stopped talking.

"What about it?" He asked suspiciously.

I explained it to him and it was dangerously silent over the phone once I stopped talking.

"Yeah that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about" he said and my heart dropped.


"It's about Baekhyun" he said and I stopped breathing.

"What about him?"

"Minji he's coming back" Suho said.

"What do you mean coming back?" I asked like I need further verification.

"As in arriving in Seoul tomorrow afternoon"

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