Hide and Seek

392 29 4

Author's POV

Baekhyun walks back into the living room to still find his members arguing over the plans for today now that Chulsoos here.

"You heard me! We're watching Ninjago" Jongin said.

"Who wants to watch Ninjago when we could just sit down and play a good game of chess" Suho suggests.

"Suho save your old man actives please" Sehun said making his way to standing in front of little Chulsoo.

"Wouldn't you rather go to the cafe and indulge in a nice...large cup of bubble tea" Sehun said having his eyes drift off above them as if imagining himself in the restaurant as they speak.

"Hey guys"

Baekhyun tried to say, having his voice go unnoticed amongst the noise.


He tried but nonetheless, no one heard him. Baekhyun then looked to Chulsoo, who watched everything in confusion. Before he walked over to him and placed his hands over the young boys ears.


Baekhyun screamed, finally having everyone give him their attention.

"How about we think this through, there has to be something we all can agree on" Baekhyun suggested as he released Chulsoo's ears from his hold.

Everyone remained quiet and stared at him with wide eyes before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Oh!...oh man hyung that was a good one" Kai said wiping the corner of his eye.

"Yeah! You? Thinking? Hahahahaha that has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard" Chen co-signed.
Baekhyun then rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I'm the type of person to think things through" he complained.

"Yeah right. Tell that to the one time you put a marshmallow in your mouth while it was still on fire. The hospital bill was higher than Lay" Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun ignored him and shoved Sehun out of the way before squatting down in front of Chulsoo.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

The six year old tilted his head at Baekhyun's proposal before his eyes lit up.

"Let's play hide and seek" he chirps.

"Alright then it's settled. Hide and seek it is!" Baekhyun says standing to look at the rest of his members.

"Hide and seek sounds fun" Lay said.

"I guess your rig-not it!" Chen said before placing his finger on his nose.

Everyone quickly followed suit, not wanting to be it.

Well everyone expect for Baekhyun who was a little too late.

"Baekhyun's it alright everyone let's go!"

Chanyeol yelled before they all quickly moved from the couch and started running in different directions along with Chulsoo.

Baekhyun didn't even have enough time to register what was going on before he was left standing in front of a empty living room.

He then sighed upon realization and turned around to begin his counting.


98....99.....100! Ready or not here I come!" Baekhyun yells.
The house was dangerously silent, but Baekhyun knew better.

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