Black Out

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Baekhyun's POV


I thought until out of the corner of my eye I saw a glimpse of someone in a black trench coat walking out of the cafe in a hurry.

I raced after the unknown offender attempting to keep up with their persistent stride. When the anonymous assailant rounded the corner and started into an alleyway.

I wasn't too far behind him when I made it into the alley and saw the unknown namja standing with his back to me with a hat on, further protecting his identity.

"Yah! Where is Chulsoo!?" I asked absolutely outraged.

The person stayed turned around and unwavering. Which only provoked me further.

"So your not going to respond? Where is Chulsoo?" I asked now approaching him at a hurried pace and grabbing his shoulder. I then turned him around to face me only to be met with a surprise.


I asked.

His dazed eyes looked from me down to his stomach. I followed his eyes and was horrifically met with the sight of blood.

Chanyeol then collapsed to the ground, holding his lower abdomen in pain.

"What? What happened?!"

I asked frantically as I lifted his shirt and analyzed his wound. Which was unmistakingly done by an alpha. Chanyeol's side revealed three deep cuts that started to leak black blood.

"I...-I -I don't r-rem-member "

He choked out. But I didn't listen as I did what only I could do and pushed his sleeve up. Before grabbing his hand and focusing my mind. Before I knew it Chanyeol's pain became my pain as I started to help him heal.


I yelped starting to feel the sting that came along with it. But nonetheless, ignored the temporary suffering as I noticed Chanyeol's wound starting to disappear before my eyes.

Once done, I let go of his hand abruptly before falling on my butt and trying to catch my breath.

There was a short silence between the both of us. Before Chanyeol sat up with wide eyes.

"What the hell was- was that?"

"You seriously don't remember anything?" I ask just as surprised as he was.

"No! The last thing I can recall is standing in line to get drinks" he says lifting his shirt again and looking at the spot that once held a killer wound.

I stood up and immediately regretted it as my vision blurred. The effects of taking someone else's pain was unruly.
I think it's starting to hit me.

"Baekhyun gwenchana? Maybe you should sit down"

"Ani, Chanyeol we have to go"

I say taking a few steps towards the end of the alley before everything around me blackened.

Minji's POV

Minhyuk and I sat on the couch together motionless. I can't even begin to enjoy the company of my old friend with Chulsoo missing.

When did he leave?
Did someone call him over?
How could they kidnap such a innocent kid?

I hold my head in means to stop all of the negative thoughts from taking over. Only for my efforts to be futile.

Minhyuk looked over once he heard my shaky breathes and tried to intervene.

"Minji, hey look at me" He says trying to calm me.

"I-I can't I can't I can't" I kept repeating as tears started to make their way to my eyes.

"Shh hey it's okay" he said trying to get me to look at him but I resisted entirely. I kept shaking my head until Minhyuk finally pried my face in his direction and captured my worrying eyes.

"Minji! Calm down please"

He said, his voice soon drifting off into a whisper.

"But Minhyuk I-"

"We're going to find him okay" he said forcefully reassuring me.

"We're going to find him even if it's the last thing we do. He's fine, they wouldn't hurt him because they want something. Okay? He's fine" Minhyuk repeats finally taking his hands from me. And I breathe in a deep breath.

"I'm just worried"

"As you should be. But in order for us to find Chulsoo I need you to be strong. Not only for us but for him too" Minhyuk wisely spoke and I nodded eagerly.


"Good. And hey if it makes you feel any better. You can help search for him too" Minhyuk suggests and I chuckled.

"That's what I tired to tell Baek but he "insisted" on me staying put" I said, with my finger quotations in mid air.

"I guess he knows best" Minhyuk sighs and I frown into the distance.

But what if he doesn't know best.

I'm as good as he is at finding something if not better. Whose to say that I wouldn't find Chulsoo before they do?

My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening dramatically. I jumped while Minhyuk stood in surprise.

"Guys I need your help" Chanyeol said with Baekhyun in his arms. And as if things couldn't get any worse for me.

They just did.

"What happened?" Minhyuk asked.

"He's not responding ....-"

Chanyeol uttered. And at those very words, his voice tuned itself out into becoming echos within my head.

I tried to breathe through the fear I felt only to feel myself become lightheaded with struggle before I felt my legs give out from underneath me and I too passed out.






Sincerely JadaAutumn 💕💕

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