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Minji's POV

"You might want to start running, your puppy is on his way" of them say holding my phone up to record me before all three of them laugh.

I stand to my feet and head back towards the house, hoping to see Baekhyun.

I scream his name continuously, praying that he follows my voice.
I have Chulsoo already, I just need to make it back to the house.

"Where are we going?" Chulsoo whines.

"We're going home okay" I say trying to reassure him.

But oddly enough, I looked around and suddenly the woods began to look unfamiliar and I started to feel dizzy.

What's going on?

Just then, I felt my wrist sting. I brought it to my line of sight and saw the three slash marks starts to redden.

The very three marks I received from him that day in the woods. How is he still having an affect on me?

"You now have 5 more minutes!!"

I hear a voice say as he yelled into the woods.

I then picked up my stride and started heading in what I can only hope is the right direction.

There wasn't enough time as my feet led me on, but unfortunately there was no familiarity in sight. It almost felt like I was running in circles.

"Make that 2 minutes!"

I hear again.

"We have to hide"

Chulsoo says and I nod. As I tied to run again. But he wiggles out of my grasp and grabbed my hand.

"I know where we can hide"

He says running in a new direction. And ironically the scenery changed. I could've sworn I ran this way already. I then look at my wrist again and it started to fade back to its normal color.

What was he doing to me?

I thought as I ran for only a couple of seconds before Chulsoo came to a halt. In this little time I came to and undesirable conclusion.

"Behind here" he says crouching down.

I then yanked my hand away from his. And started to cover him with leaves and sticks.

At this rate, their going to find us. And I would much rather Chulsoo have a chance at survival than me. He's already been through too much.

"Noona what are you doing?" He asked with worried eyes and I shushed him.

"It's okay. I want you to hide okay? We're playing hide and seek and I'm going to go hide somewhere else okay? Don't let them find you" I say and he nods unsure.

I then kiss his forehead and run away from his hidden figure.

I can only hope Baekhyun appears somehow...

Baekhyun's POV

I run towards Minji's voice but oddly didn't see her the farther I went. I then heard her scream my name again but this time the voice was heard behind me in the distance.

And I started to grow confused.

How do we keep missing each other?

"Ahh would you look at who we have here. He finally made an appearance" I hear someone say. I turn around and face three unfamiliar men.

I grit my teeth and grab one of them by their collar.

"Where is she!?" I yell.

"Woah, boss was right, he said you were an aggressive one." One of them joked.

"If I were you, I would get going, your already wasting a lot of time" the shorter one says as he turns his phone to me, only to flash the time.

6 minutes and two seconds

"If you lay a finger on her, I swear I will rip all three of you to shreds and that's a promise" I snear.

The wolf I had in my grasp grabbed me unexpectedly and twisted my arms before tripping my discombobulated figure and throwing me to the ground.

Crap, he's a lot stronger than I thought.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that" he says dusting himself off.

"5 more minutes"

One of them calls out into the open and my eyes widened.

This really is a trap, and their wasting my time on purpose.

I then recovered quickly and started to run out into the open. Unfortunately Minji was no longer calling my name. Nor did she seem to hear me when I yelled for her.

"Minji!" I yelled and then silence.

"make that 2 minutes"

They say. And I felt hopeless as Suho turned out to be right. This was a trap, a detailed scheme and I was only a pawn in their game.

I blinked my eyes red.

My vision heightened to alpha status and I saw the unthinkable.

Their alpha must've manipulated the forest. I started to recognize the moved trees and strategic placement of each bush and branch. Soon making me realize that were were purposely missing each other the whole time.

"And times up!"

I hear them yell. And as if on cue, Minji screams for me before there's nothing left but the disturbing silence of nature.


I call again. But like I expected, nothing.

I cursed loudly and smashed near by trees like my life depended on it. I then ran towards the house to see if I can catch them in their escape before I heard.....sniffling.

I stopped suddenly and looked around, not seeing anyone, but sensing their presence.

The small cries became louder and my heart dropped at the realization of who they  belong too.

I crouch down and feel around a pile of leaves, with them soon revealing a scared Chulsoo. Laying in his own tears.

Once he realized it was me and no one else. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my neck. Squeezing me like he could disappear any minute.


I turn around and see the pack racing towards me. But I shook my head.

It was too late.

"She's gone......she hid him and they took her"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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