New In Town

694 39 15

Baekhyun's POV

I burst into the dorm with Minji right behind me. Happy to find all of the members in one room.

"Look Minji's here!" Chanyeol yelled.

But our faces were anything but cheerful. And when everyone noticed, the mood in the room suddenly dimmed.

"What wrong?" Suho asked standing up.


I said pulling out my phone and pulling the picture of the tree that I took. Carved into it were three slashes with an circle around it.

"Th-that can't be. We thought it was just hunters over in those woods" he said confused as everyone surrounded him.

"It's another pack?" Sehun asked.

"I'm sure of it. Minji even said she saw something circulating her. And it gave her this"

I said grabbing her wrist and showing the marks that had began to heal.

"This is worse that I thought" Chanyeol said.

There was a moment of silence that passed. Before sheer terror flashed across my face when I realized something dire.

"The full moon is coming up. What are we supposed to do then? If their here that means although we'll be at our will they" I trailed off.

We all separated and paced the room in realization.

"Guys calm down. We have time to come up with something. But until then be aware of your surroundings. And don't ever let your guard down. In times like these, no one can be trusted" Suho warned.

After that, I took Minji home. And although she declined my offer, I still walked her up to her apartment.

I'm feeling more overprotective now that the other pact know about her now.


"You didn't have to do this Baekhyun. I'm a big girl you know" Minji joked fishing for her keys.

When I grabbed her hand. Stopping her.

She slowly looked up to me as I stared back at her with fearful but serious eyes.

"Look Minji. I'm not doing this because I don't think you can take care of yourself. I know you could easily kick my ass if you wanted to" I said making her chuckle a little.

"But I'm doing this because I don't know what's going on. This other pack seems to be dangerous. And their starting to scare the hell out of me...they should scare you too"

I said releasing her hand.
She shakily began to open the door. When I spoke again.

"Goodnight Minji" I said once she was successfully in the apartment room.

She nodded before shutting the door.

I then waited to see if I picked up on anything suspicious. Before cautiously proceeding down the hall.

Minji's POV

I layed against the closed door and tried to calm down my racing heart. I've never seen Baekhyun like this. He doesn't scare easily, so this worries me terribly.

"How'd it go?" Nina asked eating Chinese food on my couch. Next to a cheerful Chulsoo.

I asked her if she could watch after him since I can't keep relying on Sujin. And she gladly agreed.

I shook the uneasy feeling off. And continued on into the apartment.

"It went. My car won't be fixed for the next three months. So until then I'll be stuck with Baekhyun" I said making Nina wiggle her eyebrows.

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