Pillow Talk

443 32 4

Minji's POV

My eyes groggily open to a tan ceiling.
I sigh deeply as my lungs feel as if air couldn't reach them.

Why does my body feel so heavy?

I thought before looking to my side and seeing a all too familiar face a couple of inches from mine.

Baekhyun's eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted as he steadily breathed next to me.
His arm lazily drapped over my torso.
My heart missed a couple of beats at the angelic sight.

I haven't seen Baekhyun like this in what felt like forever. And if I'm being completely honest with myself I miss it.

I smile at him momentarily while a frown started to paint his face . Making the hair on his forehead slightly shift onto his eyes.

I lifted my hand and slowly brushed it back. Before my hand caressed his cheek.

Thoughts of what occurred before my mind went blank suddenly popped up.
Is Baekhyun even okay?
How could he seem to be sleeping so peacefully after the horror that just occurred?

"Jagi your going to run yourself rabid with those thoughts of yours" Baekhyun mumbled with his eyes closed.

I gasped in surprise before trying to sit up.
But Baekhyun's arm tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Please don't go. Just give me five more minutes" he says snuggling into me. And my heart sanks.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask quietly.

Baekhyun nods before peeking through one of his eyes.

"Yeah, now that I'm here with you" he states chessily. I chuckle at his antics as I roll my eyes.

"Don't laugh I'm serious. Remember when I felt weak after I fought Kai, after he basically tried to kill you and Minhyuk" he says now staring at me with tired eyes.

"Yeah" I mumble.

"I felt like I was dying honestly. But then we kissed and you healed me....." He drifts off. His pause making blood rush to my cheeks.

"I felt like I was in a successful drama or something" he jokes as a slow smile painted his face. And I giggled.

"Way to keep the moment sweet beagle"

"Ah. The name I missed so much" he says and I gawk.

"Oh really. If I recall correctly, you hated being called beagle"

"I was in denial about my puppy related looks okay" he says and I laugh at his confession.

"How long were you awake?" I asked. And he rolled us over so that I was now laying on my back, and he was laying in the crook of my neck.

"For a while. But I'm too tired to get up, so I watched you sleep" Baekhyun says casually.

"That's not creepy at all"

"Yah! Your the one who was watching me sleep. While admiring my boy-ish looks" he states and I cringe.

Crap I was hoping he didn't notice.

"No I wasn't, I as just....in shock at your beagle like resemblance" I say denying the truth. And he sighs.

"It can't be hidden. I must've been a golden retriever in my past life" he says and we both laugh.

Just then the door opened and revealed a relieved Junmyeon.

"Oh thank god, you guys are okay" he says.

I smile as I try to sit up, but surprisingly Baekhyun still held me in place. Despite the fact that it wasn't just us in the room anymore.

"Yeah, for the most part" I say swatting Baekhyun's arm off of me and finally sitting up. While he groaned in protest.

"Thanks a lot for disturbing the peace Suho" Baekhyun says.

"Yah it's all for good reason, you guys would be pleased to hear this" he starts, and instantly he held my attention.

"What is it? Is it about Chulsoo?"

"Actually yes it is. Kai and Sehun said they spotted him with two of the members from the opposite side a-"

"Omo! They saved him!!" I exclaimed.

"Not exact-"


I scream jumping out of bed and skipping out of the room. I then trudged downstairs and peeked in room after room, when my heart started to sink.

Where is he?

"What the? Where's Chulsoo , didn't you say they saw him" I say turning around to see Baekhyun and Suho standing before me.

"I didn't finish Minji. They couldn't save him because it was a set up. The leader just wanted them to see that he hadn't hurt him" he says and I frown.

"But why??"

"Because he's trying to make a successful trade off" Baekhyun says suddenly speaking up.

"A trade off? What the heck? Of who?" I ask, this new information not sitting well with me.

Baekhyun's eyes looked to Suho, as they stared at each other in silence. Before they made their way back to mine.

And in that silence, I knew my answer.

"I-It's me isn't it" I say and Baekhyun slowly nods.

"What does he want with me?"

"We don't know yet. But from what it seems, he wants to have you romantically" Suho said. And as if on instinct, I looked at Baekhyun.

His eyes held a certain rage that didn't sit there before.

"Not that it's going to happen. We're just going to have to figure out another way" he says, continuously flexing his jaw.

I then worriedly looked between the both of them.

"A-And what if you don't? Will he do something to Chulsoo?" I ask.

"Don't worry about that. We're going to act fast. But in the meantime, we need you to stay put" Suho says grabbing my shoulders.

"I don't know if I-"


I stop rambling at the stern tone behind Suho. Baekhyun looks at me with hard pleading eyes as he continues.

"Please, I can't lose you too"

He states. And within the quiet air, I respond.

"Oh..Oh-Okay, I'll stay out of the way" I say offering them a small smile as reassurance.

Oh how I hope I can keep my word...




Sincerely JadaAutumn

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