Missing Beagle

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Minji's POV

After the fifth call I sent out to Junmyeon he finally answered. Luckily he was in a spot where he could hear well and when I told him what happened, he freaked.

"What!? We're on our way!"

That was about twenty minutes ago.
Now beside me is the rest of the members as we all try to figure out what the heck went wrong.

"Wait You unchained him?" Xiumin exclaimed.

"Well yeah. He was growling in pain, I had to do something" I squealed. And as if I said something wrong everyone looked at me like I had three heads.

This must be how Baekhyun feels.

"That's normal Minji. It's just apart of shifting, especially when your not in control" Sehun said and I shrugged helplessly.

"Well how was I supposed to know? One minute he was begging me for help then the next he was some blood thirsty bastard who tried to bite me"

"He didn't did he!" Suho asked panicked.


"Oh thank God. That's good to hear. What did you say happened after that?" He asked.

"He kind of just ran out of the basement window and I called you guys shortly after" I said and the boys all started to exchange looks with one another.

"Alright let's go out and find him" Chen said loosing his tie.

"Especially since it's a full moon. Wouldn't want the other pack to get to him, or worse. The hunters" Xiumin added and they all nodded in agreement.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"You stay here and don't leave, he could come back" Suho said making my heart drop.

The thought of what just happened, happening again made my cheeks flush.

"A-Are you sure?" I stuttered.

"Of course. Plus little guys up there, wouldn't want to leave him by himself" Suho said before he darted out of the door with the rest of his members.

I mentally face palmed myself as I forgot the obvious.
How could I forget Chulsoo was here?
Oh right it could be from the fact that I was almost mauled by my ex-boyfriend.

I sigh and run a stressful hand through my hair before heading upstairs to my room. Luckily still finding Chulsoo asleep like nothing ever happened.

I uneasily climbed back into the bed and tried to get some sleep, although I highly doubted that it was possible.

3 days later..

"Any sign of him?" I asked Kai as he came back from his daily search for Baekhyun.

This has been an ongoing thing since he ran out of my house that night and I'm starting to get more worried than I've ever been.

"No....I didn't even pick up his scent" he said making my heart sink even lower.

That can't be good.

What if something happened to him?!
Oh God! What if he's-

"Let's not think like that Minji. I'm sure he's fine" Kai said listening into my thoughts. And although that would usually make me mad, I needed someone to keep me calm at the moment.

"This is unlike him for sure but Baekhyun is one for scaring everyone half to death then making it feel like a dream when he comes back around" He added making me grin at the thought.

Reminds me of the time he disappeared for days when we first met and started getting along. I really thought he was goner, well that was until I found out that old man Hyunjun kept him chained up in his basement.

"I'll look again in an hour. Until then, just keep doing what you've been doing"

Kai said. But for some reason, I couldn't follow his orders.

I've been trapped in my apartment for these past few days while each and every member went out and looked for Baekhyun on their own. And still with no luck.

I can't keep sitting around, I have to do something.

But first, I can't let him know that. Or else he'll try to stop me.

"Okay I'll probably just go into my bedroom and read or something" I said and Kai nodded before patting my shoulder and exiting my apartment, leaving me with my thoughts.

If I'm going to start looking anywhere I might as well start with his apartment and work my way around.
Luckily the sweet lady upstairs agreed to watch Chulsoo so I had no hesitation about leaving.

And with that I slipped my shoes on and left my room.

Not too long after I found myself at Baekhyun's door. And since he insisted on giving me an extra key it was no problem for me to enter his dark condo.

I quietly shut the door back and started too snoop around his apartment without turning any of the lights on. If he is here I wouldn't want to scare him away with anything that wasn't subtle.


I whisper.

I turn the corner to enter his bed room when I noticed a figure in the corner.

Instantly I rolled my eyes.

"Baekhyun really! Everyone's been worried sick about you. This wasn't funn-"

I started as I approached what I thought was Baekhyun. Until the figure turned around and stared at me with piercing neon green eyes.

I started backing up slowly as the thing started to advance in my direction. So without second thought, I turned around and ran out.

Only to unfortunately hear the monstrous thing on my trail.

I hadn't even payed attention to where my feet led me until I opened the door to the roof top.

Running out into the middle of the spacious area I turned around and saw the beastly thing slowly crawl towards me.

I backed up until I couldn't.

My feet neared the edge of the roof when I realized there was no where else to go. And as if the thing knew that, it raced towards me.

On instinct I backed up again, which led me to lose my balance and fall of the edge.

I screamed to no end as my body struggled to grab onto anything that could prevent me from my untimely death.

I thought I was done for the closer I got to the ground.

When suddenly I was snatched out of mid air and speeding in another direction.

I look around in confusion when I realized that I was being carried. Each place flying past me at the speed of lightning when I finally decided to glance up.


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