The Heat

502 28 10

Author's POV

Minji proceeded to wrap Baekhyun around the pole in the indestructible chains that Suho gave to him only days before.

The process was a silent one as well as awkward because Minji didn't know what to say during a time like this.

"No need to worry Minji. I'm not expecting you to know what to say" he says and she frowns.

"Get out of my head beagle!" She scolds. And Baekhyun's eyes softened.

Minji noticed immediately as she shook off the bubbly feeling she got at the sight.

"What?" She asked.

"You called me beagle. I haven't heard that name in a long time" he says as they make intense eye contact with one another.

Minji then broke it as she looked away and finished locking the last chain around him.

"There, all done" she says standing up straight.

"Thanks I appreciate this" Baekhyun says and Minji sends him a half smile. But before she could respond she heard his teeth eject from his gums and into place. Instantly making Baekhyun look more vicious than before.

Baekhyun closes his eyes and grunts in pain before he opens them, with his eyes glowing a vivid red.

"Please go"

He begged and Minji nodded quickly before reluctantly walking away from him and towards the stairs.

She made it up quickly before she closed the door and sighed.

She doesn't know why she felt bad for chaining him up like that. Exo does it all the time to each other so why was she struggling?

Minji thought before pushing away from the basement door and walking to her room.

She pushed her bedroom door open to see Chulsoo spread across the bed completely sleep. And lightly snoring might I add.

Minji shook her head at the early bird and moved him over to one side while she climbed in on the other and laid her tired head against the pillow.

Not that she knew how this thing worked but she assumed that she goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning and everything should be just fine.

But boy was she very, very wrong.


It's now 2:47 in the morning when Minji gets woken up by Chulsoo shaking her.

"Noona wake up"

He whispered. And Minji groans in response.

"Noona I think someone's hurt" he says and Minji shrugs him off. That's is until she hears for herself.

A loud moan and growl from a voice she knows all too well.

Right then Minji snaps up in panic. She wasn't planning on Chulsoo being here to witness all of this so she did the first thing that popped into mind.

"Here Chulsoo put these on and go too sleep. I'll take care of it"

Minji says as she picks up her big headphones and placed them on his head to block out his hearing . Before she lays him back down and a couple seconds later he was back to a deep sleep.


She hears him groan again. And thoughtlessly Minji got out of bed before walking all the way to the basement door where she hesitated opening it.

Maybe this is a bad idea.

She thought. But before she could turn around and head back something stopped her.

"Minji please!"

He begged. And Minji froze upon hearing her name.

"Help me it hurts"

Baekhyun pleads and Minji's heart drops at the sound. Having never heard this level of desperation come from her past lover She couldn't bring herself to walk back to her room.

"Please Minji I need you!"

He says through gritted teeth. And just then Minji cracked the door open as she peeped through.

She whispers.

"Come here please I need you to help me" he says.

Minji proceeds downstairs without a second thought only to see Baekhyun's red eyes glowing in the dark. The only way she could tell he was drenched in sweat was from the dim moonlight that shone through the window.

"Are you okay?" She asked quietly.

"No I need you to unchain me. I'm in too much pain, I can't take it"

He says before he groans into a husky growl.

"Y- You want me to unchain you?" She questioned.

"Yes! Please I - I need you too Please Minji baby" Baekhyun says.

She melts into his palm at his plea as she walks to him and starts to unchain him from the pole. It took all of five minutes before he was completely free.

She backed up and Baekhyun stood to his feet. Before giving her a rather sinister smile.

And almost instantly Minji knew she made a mistake.

"Thanks babe"
Baekhyun said smirking.

"What?" She asked confused before Baekhyun slid over to her at the speed of lighting, trapping her against the cement wall.

"What are doing?" Minji asked now completely afraid of who Baekhyun's become.

"Both of us a favor"

He mutters as he tilts his head and starts to nuzzle himself in the crook of Minji's neck. Where he licked his lips and prepared to mark her.

His mouth opened as his teeth started to slightly graze her skin. When he stopped and flew to the floor.

Minji looked on in fear as Baekhyun's eyes started to fluctuate between blood red to his normal chocolate brown.

"Minji go! I can't-"

He started before he growled loudly.

"-hold it back!"

He struggled.

Minji was too in shock to move as she witnessed the Baekhyun she knew try to fight off whatever it was that tricked her.

Unfortunately she didn't move fast enough and Baekhyun leaped on her. Basically tackling her to the ground as his eyes were back to being blood red.

"No where were we?"

He asked seductively. And Minji closed her eyes as she tried to prepare herself for whatever was next.

When suddenly she didn't feel anyone on her anymore.

Glass broke loudly into the room before there was nothing but silence.

Minji sat up from where she lay only to see no sign of Baekhyun and a huge hole in her basement window.



Sincerely JadaAutumn

Good Boy 2'~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora