Drunk Driving

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Minji's POV

"Really Baekhyun?" I asked.

It wasn't hard to tell that he used his 'special abilities' to communicate with Chanyeol. I remember the face he makes when he concentrates his mind.

It's actually pretty cute

Not that I would tell him that.

"What?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. With him soon catching on to what I was getting at.

"Well how else was I supposed to get you alone?" He asked smirking.

"You weren't. It's nothing to talk about" I said gathering my things. When he grabbed my hand.

"You and I both know that we can't go on like this. We have to talk about it"

"Talk about what Baekhyun? It's clear as day what happened. You cheated on me" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you. I didn't cheat on you! She kissed me!" He yelled.

"You didn't stop her Baekhyun! Why does nobody understand that! I was there the whole time! Looking for you and I saw everything!" I yelled being fed up with his excuses.

Not even noticing the newly found tears running down my face.

Baekhyun didn't say anything as he looked down into his hands.

"Minji I-"

"Save it......please" I said wiping my face. And straightening my posture.

"Let's keep this professional. Your my client and that's all you'll ever be" I said before looking to my left and seeing Chanyeol along with Nina staring at us.

"Nina I'll be on the car" I said. And with that I left.


Later in the day I found myself sitting at the bar. My head in my hands and phone sitting in front of me.

Drinking is the only relief I seem to get from this endless thinking. Baekhyun is all that crosses my mind day in and day out.
And when I'm around him it makes it even harder to forget about him.

I tip my shot of scotch back before slamming it on the bar. And eyeing the bartender to give me another round.

The old man shook his head at me before grabbing he liquor and filling my shot glass back up with the brown liquid.

I stared at the glass for a few moments before bringing it up to my lips and downing the whole thing.

Ignoring the burn and welcoming it with open arms at the same time. The pain is the only thing to temporarily help.

Not even three minutes later. The old man told me that I was cut off for the rest of the night.

"Waaht do you me-mean I'm cut off!!" I slurred.

He tried to clam me down. But it didn't help as I was too far gone. Words flew out of my mouth due to my clouded mind. And the next thing I know, I'm being tossed out of the bar by a big bald namja in a black suit.

"Get off of me!" I yelled snatching my arm away from his grasp. Before I sloppily started to walk down the street.

I then saw a blurry image of my car come into view. As I approached it and climbed into it. Not even bothering to put my seat belt on before I started out of the parking lot. And into the street.

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