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Minji's POV

The bright sun light shines into my eyes. Waking me up from a somewhat peaceful sleep.

But once my eyes were open, the pain started.

My head felt as if I had it smashed in. While I was trying to sit up. Which made me flop back into the bed.

My face being immersed in the pillow.

I knew I was hungover now.

I breathed in a deep breath to relieve the pain. When an all to familiar scent filled my nose. I sniffed again recognizing the sweet smell. When my eyes opened immediately.

I sat up and looked around the room. Realizing that I was not in my room.

But before I could process anything else. The pain returned worse than before, making me grunt in discomfort.

I then heard shuffling from the bedside. When a honey blonde haired boy rose from the floor.

"Oh good your awake" he mumbled in a deep voice.

"Baekhyun? What's going on?" I asked holding my head. And feeling a bandage around it.

"I'll tell you later. But first take this" he said standing up and handing me two pills. And a cup of water.

I didn't hesitate before I tossed the pain relievers in my mouth and drunk the water like my life depended on it.

"Better?" He asked.

"Not yet"

"Maybe you should just lay back dow-"

"No. Baekhyun why am I here? What happened last night" I said feeling the bandage again. He sighed before having a seat next to me on his bed.

"You uh, were driving drunk and almost ran into a tree" he said uneasily.

I shook my head at myself. Dropping my head in my hands and groaning.

"I'm such a idiot"

"No your not. You were just drunk and thought you could drive" Baekhyun said trying not to make it sound as bad as it really was.

I didn't say anything until I realized he didn't mention himself. So how did I end up here?

"How did you know?"

"I sensed it......Your emotions. I felt it and thought you were in danger. It woke me from my sleep and I literally ran out of the house and to your car before you could actually crash" Baekhyun said.

My heart beat sped up at the words he spoke.

He sensed I was in danger and ran to save me.

"Oh.........thank you" I mumbled looking up at him. Until he returned the stare and locked eyes with me.

I saw the sincerity and fear in them as he spoke.

"Don't mention it"

We stayed that way until I gathered enough courage to look away and stand up.

"I must really be on my way" I said. With Baekhyun nodding understandingly.

"Of course. I'll show you out"

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