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Minji's POV

The walk became intense after awhile. But I'd be darned if I give up now. I'm almost home.

Just as the thought crossed my mind. Out of the corner of my eye I see an all to familiar red vehicle pull up beside me.

I rolled my eyes and ignored my burning legs. Before speeding up and walking ahead of his car.

"Come on Minji. Don't be like this" he said.

I didn't say anything. Nor did I slow down my stride.

"Yahhh Minji-ah your unbelievable. Just get in the car."

"No! Leave me alone!"

I yelled not sparing him a glance.

"Is this how your going to be from now on? Are you going to keep being angry at me?" He asked.

And as if he flipped a switch. The whole reason why I was mad at him in the first place. Flashed across my mind in short burst.

From the argument, to the cheating.


Rain poured down outside. And so did it from my eyes. As Baekhyun and I stared at each other.

The argument started over the smallest thing you can think of. Me telling him not to leave the toilet seat up because you know. I don't want to go for a swim at one in the morning.

When it escalated like no other. And Baekhyun muttered the rudest of words.

"You were a loner before I came along! Who would you be without me huh? Why do you think your dad left? Why do you think your mom liked me more!" He spat.

My mouth dropped open. And out of reflex, I smacked him across his face.

I knew it didn't hurt him. But oh, how I wish it did.

"Who are you to talk about that! You know nothing about omma!! Or my father you bastard! I should've just let Kai finish you off when he had a chance!" I yelled.

And judging by his facial expression. I hit the nerve I wanted. The same nerve he hit not too long ago.

Baekhyun didn't say anything. As his breathing quickened, and his eyes fluctuated from their normal brown, to a blood red.
He then shook his head and turned around, walking away from me and to the door.

"Yah where you going!" I yelled after him. But he didn't slow down whatsoever. As he opened the door. And left, slamming it back. Making the cement wall around it crack due to his strength.

I dropped to my knees and cried terribly.

The arguments between Baekhyun and I have happened more frequently. Over big and small things. But tonight was different, we both crossed the line.


It was officially three in the morning.

I continued to look at Baekhyun's empty side of the bed. Feeling the regret of our earlier conversation.

I need to find him.

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