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Minji's POV


The only word to describe how I feel right now. Why the heck did I agree to do something so foolish?


"Hey Suho! What's up?" I answer chiperly.
It's good to see that Suho called.
I feel like I haven't spoke with him in years. It should be good to catch up with him.

"Nothing really. You know just calling to see how things were with you" he says suspiciously.

"Mhm I see..."

"Yep! Just giving you the ol calley call.....just calling ...to see how.... you! ...were doing ....nothing more" he dragged and I sighed heavily.

"Okay Junmyeon, spill it"

"Alright fine. I need to ask a favor of you" he says and I breathe in relief.

I thought it was something worse.

"Of course Suho anything"

"Anything?" He questioned.

"Well yeah if it's not too crazy" I say and he sighs.

"What if my life depended on it?" He asked and my heart dropped.

"Oh my God Suho. Your not in trouble are you?"


"Okay I'll do it. Whatever it is I'll help" I say frantically.

Suho doesn't really seem like the type to ask for help with anything really so hearing this from him is a big deal.

"Alright good I'm glad you agreed. Because I need you to watch Baekhyun tomorrow night"

And just like that, I feel swindled.

"What! No!"

I yell in protest.

"Ah Ah Ah! You can't say no, you already agreed remember?" He teased and I clicked my tongue.

He laughed at my expense until the obvious dawned on me.

"Wait, didn't you say your life depended on it? Why can't you or any of the other members do it?" I ask and it suddenly goes silent on the other end.

And I was getting impatient.


"Alright well. Me and the guys are going to this concert you see and we won-"

"That's not fair!"

"Oh but it is!" He corrected. "This concert is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the guys and I can't miss out on it. Besides, the Tukies are playing and you know what happened the last time they were in the same building as Baekhyun" Suho said and I cringed at the memory.

Oh yeah, we wouldn't want that to happen again.....

I didn't say anything as I contemplated the unthinkable.

"Please Minji!"

"Okay fine I guess I'll do it"
I said rolling my eyes and Suho giggled.

"Pleasure doing business with you Lee Minji"


Now I'm going to be stuck with that buffoon tomorrow when I could be doing something much better like preparing for the ball Jaebum asked me too.


"Ne Chulsoo?"

"I found a movie we can watch together!" He screams.

I then leave the kitchen to find him in my bedroom floor with the tv remote in his hand. Before he pointed to the screen.

"The Adventures Of Wolfman?" I asked and he nodded eagerly.

"Ne! He even goes raaaawr! During the movie"
He says happily and I smile at his cuteness.

"So you've seen this before?"

"Only ....." Chulsoo dragged before he started to count of his tiny fingers.

"Three times"
He says holding up four fingers. And I chuckle.

"Alright well let's make it a fourth. I'll go finish dinner and we can start"
I say as I leave the room and hurriedly finish dinner. Before bringing two plates into my room and sitting on the floor next to an excited Chulsoo.

He didn't waste any time before he pressed play on Netflix and started the cartoon movie.

And surprisingly after a while I found myself getting into it more and more as time went on.
To the point where Chulsoo fell asleep and I didn't even notice.

The movie was oddly captivating.

A wolf who lives amongst everyone in secret, handles crime in the night.
Almost like a Superman if you will.

But the difference is that Wolfman is somehow more humble than Superman. He wants to be appreciated by everyone. But mostly by the love of his life which is a girl that he met under very odd circumstances.

I found myself sitting in awe as the screen went black long after the movie had ended.

The film felt so real. Like I was looking at my life through a tv.
Baekhyun's Wolfman and I'm the girl he met under very odd circumstances.....

But in the end of the movie, Wolfman dies. He died in the arms of his lover and it actually brought tears to my eyes. Multiple, as it struck a memory within me as I was in that girls place only a year ago.

But I got lucky.

My Wolfman's still here and trying to make things right with me.

And I've been pushing him away...


I wipe my eyes and push my blanket off me as I stood to my feet and carried myself to the door. Before opening it without checking ,only to be met with a coincidence.

"Hey uh...a Minji. I came to apologize for invading your privacy. I will definitely leave if that's what you want I just worry about you that's all" Baekhyun said rambling immediately.

I was caught off guard with his company as I just stood there not knowing what to say.

"So yeah I hope I didn't make you upset I see that you've been crying" he points out and I wipe my eyes.

"Ani it's not that"

I say before returning to my stance awkwardly.

A weird silence settled between us. Before Baekhyun sighed and made the first move.

"That's good... I guess. Well uh...have a good night. I'll uh see you tomorrow for the thing" he said.

"Right see you tomorrow"

I say and we slightly bow to each other as he turned on his heels and started down the hallway.
I was about to shut my door when I couldn't fight the urge to do what I wanted to once I opened the door.

So I reopened my door.

"Baekhyun Wait!"

I say.

He slowly turns around just as I approached him. I didn't give him time to say anything before I hugged him.

He stiffened in surprise while my arms were wrapped around his neck. But it didn't take him that long before he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I then cut the hug short and pulled away before dashing back into my apartment and closing the door behind me.
I slid down the other side and breathed heavily.

I hate to admit it...but

It felt good to hug him.



Sincerely JadaAutumn

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