The Unwanted Surprise

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Baekhyun's POV

I stand at the door way after it's been closed wondering how things got this bad between us..

Oh yeah! I'm the idiot who went to the club and kissed a random.

"Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" I say face palming myself to no end.

I don't think I can handle the tension between us. I need to finally go up to her and make it right.

I thought as I walk out of my apartment without hesitation.

I then took the stairs for a quicker arrival to Minji's room. And I almost reached it in record time. As I was just about to round the corner. When I stopped upon hearing a familiar voice.

"I'll do it"

Do what?


This deep voice responded back. I frowned as I peeped around the corner I was now hiding behind and saw that she was talking to another guy.

My heart dropped instantly.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Pick me up at 8"

"Alright. 8 o'clock it is"

This can't be happening right now....

I thought as a familiar pang in my chest emerged. The very same pain I continuously seem to experience since we've been on these terms with each other.

"Is she going on a date?"

I ask before sighing deeply.

You don't have to be Einstein to figure that much out.

I thought before forgetting why I was there in the first place and started walking back to my room. Feeling worse than what I did a couple of seconds ago.

My head hung low as I opened the door to my dark and empty apartment. I didn't even bother to turn the light on as my intended destination was the bed.

"Wow is it always this dark in here!"


I yelled.

I then scrambled to flick the light switch on. Only to see Suho sitting in my lounge chair.

"What the! What are you doing here!" I said still feeling the surprise in my adrenaline.

"Wow is that anyway to great a friend Baekhyun? Oh my, are those Jumungja cookies?" He said completely forgetting about me and started floating to my kitchen.

"Well it is when you were scared half to death" I muttered. As I reluctantly followed him up to my counter.

He made himself at home as he now had a glass of milk in front of him. While he continuously helped himself to my cookies.

"Welp no need to be surprised, it's just me"

"I can see that" I mumble before I sit on the stool next to me.

"You look stressed, what's wrong?" Suho asked curiously.

"I just witnessed Minji accepting a date with a random namja" I mutter.


He yelped and I nodded silently.

The feeling of being replaced is truly agonizing.

"I don't know what I'm going to do"

"Well what you should do is eat chocolate. It always helps me when I'm in a pickle" Suho says and I stare at him in disbelief.

"I just told you that the love of my life is probably pursing another man. And you tell me to eat chocolate? Hyung chocolate solves nothing"

"No. No. Cottage cheese solves nothing. Chocolate solves everything" he says trying to reason with me like his point was valid.

I shook my head before he spoke again.

"Are you prepared for tomorrow?"

"What's tomorrow?"

Suho deadpanned upon my response.

"The full moon! You didn't mark a calendar or something?" He asked.

"I don't need to. I'll be fine" I say nonchalantly and Suho sucked his teeth.

"I'm afraid not this time. Once a werewolf is in mere meters or communication of something that makes him lose control. The urges heighten" he says and I shrug.

"Okay....what are you trying to say" I say and Suho takes a deep breath.

Then before I knew it, his hand was on the back of my head. As he smacked me.

"Idiot. It means that you won't be able to control yourself since your return to Minji"

He says and I rub the back of my head.

"We need to take the right precautions.."

"And what would that be?" I asked crossing my arms. And Suho smirked.

"I'm sure you would love to know"


"I had no idea you knew this building that well" I say as Suho and I reached the very last floor of the apartment. Surpassing the basement.

It was a cemented and dark hallway that stretched out into a door at the very end. I switched my eyes so I could see in the immense darkness.
As we continued to walk on.

"I didn't. I just had enough time to wonder around when I got here a couple of hours ago" he says and I frown.

"Hours? Why were you here for hours?" I asked.

"I have reason to believe that the new werewolves could have business in this building. But unfortunately, I haven't come across anything yet" he said as we finally approached the door.

Is was a big and steel door with a huge latch. That Suho lifted with ease. As the door squeaked open and revealed a dull window with metal bars on it.

And literally nothing else.

"This room should be able to hold you for a few hours without drawing a lot of attention" he says.

"This is all nice and dandy really. But... why don't I just go the dorm and do it there?"
I asked.

"Ah we're getting work done to upgrade the place . So we wouldn't want you to get free and ruin anything. Not while we're gone oh heavens no" he says gripping his chest at the thought. And I rolled my eyes.

Before they widened in realization...

"Wait what do you while you guys are gone?" I asked.

"Oh right. We didn't tell you. There's this once in a lifetime show at the concert hall downtown. And we got the tickets to go just in time" he said and it instantly angered me.

"You guys just were going to go without me!" I said.

"Baekhyun the Tukies are playing. And you know what happened last time. They literally have a restraining order against you" he said as I cringed at the memory.

"Oh, right. Well who's going to chain me up"

I asked and Suho just looked at me as if I didn't know.

"There's no way she's going to do it "

"I'm afraid she's already accepted"

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