Where were you?

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Author's POV

Baekhyun's feet carried them far enough to safety when he finally slowed down. Now having them in familiar woods, he squatted down and placed Minji on the ground before him.

He then frantically started to check her for any form of injury.

"Baekhyun I'm fine"

Minji mumbles. But it goes unnoticed as Baekhyun continued to roam her body in means to find something that wasn't there.


She calls as he still doesn't listen. Too wrapped up in his worries to comprehend anything.
Minji takes it upon herself to grab his face and turn it in her direction.

"Baekhyun!.....I'm fine..."

She says.

His eyes seemed to have calmed due to the contact they've found. Looking back and fourth across Minji's face, Baekhyun comes back to earth.

"I'm fine" she mumbles once again. Baekhyun blinked in comprehension. Before his hands started to slide up Minji's wrist that were still on his face. He then tucked them around her fingers and took them from his face.

And like her arms, Baekhyun's face fell.

Minji started to frown when Baekhyun stood to his feet and started to walk away from her.

"Wait where are you going?"

She asked standing up and chasing after him. He didn't stop walking until Minji stood in front of him, stopping him from going any further.

He wouldn't look at her, not again, not after what he did.

She realized that the more she stood in his presence. But still couldn't find the right words to say. So she just spoke the first thing that came to mind.

"Where were you?"

She asked.
Silence still thrived between them as Baekhyun didn't respond.

Minji began to grow frustrated with his reluctance to talk. When she stepped closer to him, ultimately making it harder for him to ignore her.


"No-...I mean just..I......damnit Minji..." He sputtered while running his hand through his hair roughly. Minji was taken aback by his first choice of words to her since she's seen him. Not expecting his reaction to be so...negative.

"We can't talk anymore. It's not going to be good for you if we do" he said turning his back to her. Not knowing if he could keep his word if he saw the look on her face again.

A pang made way to Minji's chest as she didn't understand where this was coming from.

"Why?" She asked breathless. While the frown on her face deepened with confusion.

"Wait... no you can't do this. Not after what just happened. What the heck was that on the roof top! You can't do this..not right now" she said rambling.

Baekhyun's clenched his eyes shut along with his jaw as he took in a deep breath.

He knew she was right. He couldn't leave her unattended now that the others know about her.
But he also couldn't get through the blinding guilt he felt for the other night they were together.

Whatever it was that came out of him on the full moon wasn't him.

Baekhyun couldn't believe that the transformation got that bad to where he almost forcefully marked Minji without her consent.

"I'm dangerous Minji. I-..I could hurt you again if I don't learn how to control myself" he said, with Minji soon realizing why he said what he did.

Sure she was freaked out by the incident.

But oddly it didn't draw her away from him, if anything it made her want to be closer.

"Baekhyun how else are you going to learn how to control your urges around me...unless your around me" she deadpans.

" I don't know but what happened the other night can't happen again. I could've really harmed you. And I wouldn't forgive myself if I did" he said looking towards the ground.

"I can't even forgive myself now"

He added.

Minji's heart felt heavy at the sight. Baekhyun felt even worse than she expected him too.

"Baekhyun that wasn't you. You and I both know that"

"Minji but that's not just it. This isn't the first time I hurt you. The night at the club is still in your mind just as much as it's in mine. You haven't fully forgiven me and I'm not expecting you too, not anymore"

Baekhyun blurted as he turned back around to face her. His sorrow filled eyes meeting Minji's in a matter of seconds.

Completely in shock is what Minji was at the mention of that night.

"You deserve better than me. Someone who won't put you in harms way. I've had time to think about this and the answers obvious, that someone isn't me" he continued.

He was about to keep putting himself down when Minji cut across him.

"Shut up"

She said, passing on the surprise she felt to Baekhyun as her harsh words sunk in.


"I said shut up! Do you have any idea the amount of time and effort went into me ignoring you. It takes everything in me not to go back to how we used to be because I feel like I should still be mad at you. But I'm not Baekhyun" she admitted as her eyes began to water.

"I'm not mad at you because I still love you. And I hate the fact that you effortlessly make me feel that way" she says scoffing before she wiped the corners of her now damp eyes.

Baekhyun stood frozen in place. Just staring at Minji as she tried to gather herself from her confession.
And now feeling the uncertainty that came along with it. Minji wanted to retreat immediately.

"So there you have it. I hope you feel better about everything now" she says awkwardly before walking off, realizing that she's in the very woods near her old house.

But like a gust of wind, Baekhyun appeared in front of her. With his warm hands around her flushed cheeks, leaving little to no space between them.
He made temporary eye contact with her before he leaned down just enough to connect their lips together.

Her soft lips against his own is all he's dreamed of for months.
To feel this feeling again.

To feel his heart finally beat now that she was with him.

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