Dark Intentions

530 33 7

Minji's POV

The session went on as planned. Which was busy and hurried due to that idiot getting himself into something like always.

I stepped outside the recording room for some air. And sighed loudly.

The hallway was more dim lit than normal.

I didn't think anything of it, assuming that it was the repair men as usual. Lazy punks are good for nothing.

"When will my boss wake up and hire a new team?"

I muttered to myself as I looked around. My eyes soon falling on the dark end of the hallway. When I thought I saw the silhouette of someone standing there.

But odd enough, I didn't feel the urge to run.
It was kind of like I was being drawn towards the unknown blackness.
My feet started to move on their own accord, with me getting closer and closer.

My heart dropped as I felt like I had no control over my body.

What the heck is going on?

I silently panicked.

The steps I took were beginning to engulf me in the terrifying darkness. When a pair of hands stopped me.


And just like the that. I snapped out of it.

I blinked my eyes a few times as I looked at who grabbed me. And Baekhyun's worried gaze followed me.

"You didn't hear me calling you?" He asked. And I slowly shook my head.

"N-No I guess I didn't"

I responded.

Baekhyun's frown deepened. As he turned around and looked behind him. Only for me to see that the dark corner that was once there before. Was now glowing and vibrant, like the lights never dimmed.

"I felt your heartbeat, are you okay?" He asked scanning me.

"Ne, I'm fine. Just feel a little lightheaded"

"You need to probably get some rest. Let's finish the session up later yeah?" Baekhyun suggested. And I nodded my head to him. Suddenly feeling drained.

"Is everything alright out here?" Nina asked walking over to us.

"Yeah I just stepped out for fresh air"

"You did more than just that. What happened to your arm?" She asked pointing to my sleeve. Which was now dark red.

"Oh my gosh, your bleeding"

I looked down and saw that Nina was right. The spot where I had been scratched by that thing in the woods. Started to bleed as if it were a fresh wound.

I looked at Baekhyun, and his face had turned cold.

"What happened?" Nina asked.

"I.....don't really know" I spoke truthfully.
"Let's get her to first aid. Do you know where one might be?"

Baekhyun asked blandly, and Nina nodded. Before she rushed into another room.

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