He's Back

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Minji's POV

The next day I found myself cleaning around the old house a little. If I'm going to be staying here for a little bit I might as well make it look a little better.

They guys were already over and helped me fix the hole in the wall and now I can say that this place is starting to look back to normal.

I thought as I walked into my mothers room.

My heart felt a little heavier knowing that she wasn't here. But that feeling quickly subsided now that I know that she's in a better place.

I thought as I glanced at the photo of us and my dad together when I was seven. Sitting right on her night stand where she left it.

"Are you okay?" I heard a small voice ask.

I looked over to see Chulsoo standing a couple of feet away from me.

"Ne I'm okay. Why do you ask?"

"Noona your crying" he points out. I reached up and touched my cheeks. Only to surprisingly feel them to be wet.

"Wow I didn't even notice. But don't worry Chulsoo their happy tears" I say and he tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"People cry when their happy?"

"Absolutely. Sometimes I cry because I'm happy to see you" I say to cover up all the times that I cried in his presence.


He asked climbing onto the bed beside me. And I nodded eagerly.

"Omma used to cry all the time around me. Do you think it was because she was happy to see me too?" He asked.

"Of course. You tend to have that effect on people" I lied.

"Well then why did she hit me if she was happy to see me?" He asked sadly and my heart dropped.

I try to do the best I can to distract Chulsoo from the home life that he came from with a better one. No child should be treated the way his mom treated him.

I thought for a second in means to choose my words carefully.

"Because she was sick. And now she's going to get some help. So your here with me until she gets better" I say and Chulsoo nodded.

"Good......Saranghae Noona" he says hugging my side.

"Awww I l-"

I started to say before I heard footsteps in the house. And instantly I grew alerted.

Baekhyun told me he was going to go out and get us food. But it's only been ten minutes, there's no way he's back that fast.

And the guys were all asleep when I was over there a minute ago.

"Stay here and be quiet okay"

I whisper to Chulsoo. And he nods before placing his little hand over his mouth.

I stood from the bed carefully before taking slow steps out of my ommas room. I then reached the hallway and walked past room after room. Where I realized I heard all the noise from the kitchen.

I looked around and grabbed the first thing in sight.
Which happened to be a glass cup.

I almost make it to the kitchen when a silhouette jumped out in front of me.

I screamed and threw the cup at the strangers head. Before running back down the hallway and into my ommas room before I closed and locked the door.

"Come on Chulsoo we have to go okay" I say making my way to the window.

"Yah Minji-ah!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I took my hands from the window in realization.

Could it be?


"Yes! Ahhhh....what the heck...."he grumbled.

I walked back over to the door and opened it to Minhyuk standing in front of me with his hand on his head.

"Omo I'm so sorry" I said feeling bad.

"It's okay I guess. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" he says taking his hand from his head and letting a little blood trickle down his face.

"No I should've seen you. Wait what are you doing here? When did you get here? How have you been!" I say standing on my tiptoes to hug him.

"Woah slow down Minji. I'm still dizzy, I can't answer your questions just yet" he says hugging me back as I giggled.

Running feet could suddenly be heard in the house.


Minhyuk and I separate as I walk along the hallway. Only to have Baekhyun's running body bump into me.
I almost fell back as he caught me.

"Baekhyun what th-"

"I heard you scream, what's wrong? Are you hurt!"
He asked checking me.
"Where's Chulsoo?"

"No I'm fine, we're fine. I was just surprised. See Minhyuk's back!" I say pointing to a awkward standing Minhyuk behind me.

"Hey uh......how's it going" he says uncomfortably.

"Oh thank God. For a second there I thought I had to commit murder, I didn't feel like it today" Baekhyun sighed as he let go of me and greeted Minhyuk.

All of us then sat in the room down stairs and started talking to Minhyuk about where he's been and what's been going on.

Apparently he's been living in Myeongdae since the Kai and old man Hyunjun incident because he needed a change of scenery. But says that he missed home and wanted to come back.

"And whose this cutie?" He asked pointing to Chulsoo. Who kept trying to shy away from my old friend.

"Minhyuk this is Chulsoo. My responsibility until further notice" I say laughing.

"Well nice to meet you Chulsoo. I'm Minhyuk, Minji's best friend" he says squatting down to his height.

And although it took a while for Chulsoo to come around. They eventually hit it off and can't seem to get enough of one another.

As the night went on Chulsoo was sound asleep in my bed up stairs. As the guys and I still caught up on lost time.

"Did you hear about the hunters and werewolves?" Suho asked.

"Unfortunately Yes, and I have to say that these guys are nothing to play with" Minhyuk said. And Baekhyun scooted closer to the edge of the chair.

"What do you mean?"

"Those guys call themselves GT7 and they've got a reputation for thoughtless murder and kidnapping. None of them have ever been caught for doing so. Their so notorious that even the hunters can't touch them. So if I were you guys I would take precaution because like I previously stated their nothing to play with"

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