Hunter Homicide

682 44 14

Baekhyun's POV

I successfully made it back to the dorm. Happier than I've been in a long time. Although the car wreck was unfortunate. I have Minji right where I want her.

I was humming on my way to my room. When a huge shadow of a man stopped me.

"We need to have a house meeting pronto" Chanyeol said. With worry in his voice.

"Wait what? I thought everyone was out"

"They were. Until we found out some devastating news. Come to the secret room" Chanyeol added before walking off without me. I watched him go and sighed in disappointment.
Welp there goes the good attitude.

I made my way downstairs and three doors down the dark hallways before flicking the light switch twice. Which triggered the wall in front of me to slide open. And reveal the rest of my members. Sitting around the conference table.

There wasn't a happy face in sight. Which only worried me more.

"What's going on"

"They're back" Jongdae mumbled. As I took a seat.

"Who's back? The werewolves that turned us?" I asked. And that's when I noticed Xiumin's disheveled appearance.


"Then who?" I asked impatiently waiting.

"Those bastards!!" Xiumin yelled slamming his clawed hand against the hard wood. His eyes were a vivid blue. And his teeth had sharpened slightly.

"They.......they killed Subin" he cried out. And my heart dropped.

Xiumin and his sister Subin were pretty close. People would've thought they were twins with the way they acted together. Who could possibly do this.

"The hunters" Sehun said probably hearing my thoughts.

"They chased her down and strapped her to a tree with a silver rope" Chen added. While Xiumins sobs continued to ripple throughout the room.

"She died so horribly!!! And when I get my hands on those hunters. I will make sure the same thing happens to them!!!"

Xiumin said walking to the door. When Kai stood up and grabbed his arm.

"Hyung you can't do this"

He said making Xiumin scoff.

"Easy for you to say! You tried to kill half of Seoul because of Krystal! If I recall correctly" Xiumin yelled. And Kai's eyes had darkened.

"You have no right to bring her up" he growled.

"Oh yeah? What are you doing to do huh? Kill me too! Just like you did the other three members!"

Tensions was running high. And before it had a chance to escalate. I knew I had to intervene.

So I scrambled to them. And forced them apart. With the help of other members as well. And when I had Xiumin off to one side. I took that chance to talk him down.

"Hyung. I know you may not want to hear this but Kai's right. You can't do this"

"And why not?" He challenged. Making me sigh.

"You could get yourself killed. We've lost enough of our pack. We can't lose you too" I spoke. Xiumin seemed to be starting to take in my words. As his eyes started to water.

"They're expecting us to thoughtlessly retaliate. And you going crazy would be giving them what they want. Just......just give me a chance to come up with a plan"

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