Over Slept

599 41 17

Author's POV

The unforgiving light shone through Minji's window. And went right into her eyes, leaving her two choices . It was either get up or burn to death.

And due to how tired she was, the second choice seemed optional.


Her phone rang.

Minji, with her eyes still closed. Felt around until she successfully grabbed her phone and answered it blindly.


"Minji! Where are you?? You know we have that presentation in an hour right. And we're not even don't prepping it yet!" Nina shrieked.

Minji's eyes snapped open quickly as her heart dropped.

"I'll be right there!"

She yelled jumping out of bed and running into the bathroom. Quickly taking a hot shower.
Time did not seem to be on her side when she emerged from the bathroom.

She dressed in the first thing she found. Before she walked out of her room to get Chulsoo ready for school.
Assuming that he was in the living room watching tv was her first mistake. When she found him in the kitchen doing far worse.

Minji's mouth fell open as she saw almost every  condiment that they had in the refrigerator. All over the floor of the kitchen. And Chulsoo sat in the midst of it with a huge smile on his face.

"Noona I made you breakfast!"

He cheered pointing to the vomit resembling dish he had in front of him.

"Look at this mess!! How am I supposed to clean this up in time?!" She stressed. And just then, her doorbell rang.

Minji left the young chef for the door. And when she opened it, she saw her knight in shinning armor at the door.

Baekhyun was right on time.

"Hey Minji I-"

"No time. Baekhyun I need you to stay here with Chulsoo. He's....sick" Minji lied cutting Baekhyun off.


"No buts Baekhyun. I really need your help"

She pleaded.

"I know but I can't let you go to work alone. I thought you knew that" he said stubbornly. And she rolled her eyes.

"Baekhyun you can feel every inch of my heartbeat and have the speed of a cheetah. Don't worry, if something was wrong you would be there to save me"
She said.
Baekhyun face palmed himself as he turned the shade of a cherry.

"Why didn't I think of that last night?"

"Anyway Baekhyun I really have to go. Just stay here and I'll be back before 3. Thanks your the best" Minji quickly spoke as she pat his shoulder and ran out of the room.

Baekhyun stood at the door in shock. Not believing the instinctive mistake he made last night.

Minji was standing in front of the elevator for what seemed like hours and still it didn't open up for her. No matter how many times she abused the button.

She looked at her watch and saw that she literally had 12 minutes left to get to work before being unemployed. So she made the drastic decision to take the stairs.

She ran down flight after flight at the speed of lightning.

When she skipped a few steps losing her balance. And started to fall down more than enough stairs.

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