Enslaved(Chapter 1)

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(Please do comment! It's the only way i will know whether people like it or not and SHOULD I CONTINUE??)

Chapter 1

"Run faster....come on Emma, get your butt out of here...." I told myself mentally.

There I was leading myself hopelessly through the endless hallways with multiple turns that just lead to another similar looking hallway. The ground shook violently beneath me, like an earthquake, slamming me at will into the walls.

My leg muscles took me as fast as it could manage, my lungs worked and my heart banged against my chest, trying to pump enough oxygen to supply my already fatigue body. My head was thumping hard, and my vision constantly blurred.

'No! no, no no, no!' I chanted repetitively to myself. This couldn't be happening again.

Tears began to fall as all hope was lost. I am never getting out of here, it was a maze that had you running around in circles without knowing it and i am in a damn big one.

Despite the panicking and the surging adrenaline, a part of my brain told me that this wasn't real, that this is just a dream and all I needed was to wake up... I want to wake up, I want to escape this nightmare but I can't, I have lost total control of my own mind.

After what seemed to be forever, the ground stopped vibrating and the lights that illuminated the scene stopped flickering. I stopped in my tracks immediately, half shocked and half relieved.

Heaving a loud sigh, I leaned against the wall and slowly slumped to the ground.

This is hopeless.

My mind was racing and trying up some plan of escaping, but I came up with nothing, nada, zip...

I buried my face in my hands. 'Why can't I just open my eyes?! This is just a dream! THIS. IS. JUST. A...." my thoughts were cut off by a sudden bright light that penetrated my eye lids. My eyes remained shut, not wanting to see what's going to happen next.

"Hello, dear Emma."

Those two words sent my whole body back-pedalling, my eyeballs on the verge of popping out of it's sockets.

And oh, did i mention, my brain went "HOLY SHIT!"

"Don't be afraid young one, I am of no harm to you. My name is Ameran." he paused, bowing his head. I just blinked, my mouth agape.

"Not to be so direct with the conversation even though we just met but you have a destiny to fulfill Emma, do you know that?"

I couldn't react, let alone answer, my brain too shocked to work and my jaw open loosely. This is impossible, this is a dream, and crazy things happen in dreams..right? Am I staring at God?

I just laughed, hysterically. That's it i think i am going crazy.

"I am dreaming, you're not real, this is not happening. This is just part of my crazy subconscious playing tricks on me, I am going to wake up and you'll be gone. NOW!" I said and pinched myself hard.

I expected to open my eyes and find myself in my room, all tucked in with frizzy hair but all I got was a load of pain and a bruise, I was still in the hallway and the glowing human was still in front of me. Ameran, shook his head and came closer.

I flinched but jsut as sudden, the walls began to fade slowly, into oblivion, the long stretch of hallway slowly dissolving and a voice...a very familiar one chimed from all around.

My dream is coming to an end. Finally.

"I've not much time left. Listen to me and listen well, Emma what I say and how you respond may affect whole of humanity and the creatures of the night." I blinked.

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