Chapter 1 - Bury a friend

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Watching the coffins of your parents getting lowered into the ground has something ironic. Even though that is how it's supposed to be. The child burying the parents, because the other way around would be a tragedy. But when you burry a child, you lost somebody you loved and cared for. Now you have nobody for that. With your parents, its that they are supposed to be the ones caring for you. They are trying to protect you and love you and watch you grow up, get married, get a job, have children, all of that. But my parents were never like that. They cared, but not about me. Not about me, Asher De Marco. Not about what I truly liked. Not about if I was happy or sad. They only cared about their son and soon to be alpha. Well...the soon has been cut short now, right?

"I have known Donna and Lorenzo for a very long time. Actually, I grew up side by side with Lorenzo. I watched him become a great alpha. I stayed by his side when he rejected his mate Emilia and chose Donna as his perfect Luna. And she really was perfect, in every way, for the position. Together they ruled this pack, until we finally became the most powerful one in the world. Every pack feared us and if they didn't, Lorenzo and Donna made sure of it, either by killing every single one of them, or making them an offer they couldn't decline" Angelo, the former Beta smiled, earning himself some chuckles from the crowd. Yeah, the offer mostly was just a threat, everybody knew that.

"We had the respect of the world and one day, we could be taking over the human one too. But no, the Blood Stone pack had to attack and ruin what our beloved alpha and luna had build. Lorenzo and Donna fought hard, but we were unprepared. It was a foolish mistake that cost us two great leaders, who left behind their only son, Asher, our new Alpha. We will all fight to revenge the two of you, Donna and Lorenzo. May your souls rest in peace and the moon goddess give us the power to end the Fontana family once and for all. Thank you" Angelo spoke, nodding his head and stepping away from the grave.

He took his seat and slowly, silence settled in. When I casted my gaze up I realized, that everybody was looking at me, waiting for me to get up and speak as well. But I wouldn't. Because I wouldn't know what to say. Something like 'I loved them' would have made me appear weak and to say that I admired them would have been a lie. My uncle nudged my side, showing me, that it was my turn to go to the front and pour out my heart, but in all reality, I wasn't feeling very much. So I sighed, standing up, before walking towards the grave. I didn't like to be so close to them, knowing that they were dead, but death actually shouldn't bug me as the alpha of the biggest mafia pack in the world. I cleared my throat, as I came to a halt, trying not to look into the grave.

"Thank you all for coming. I will see you at the reception" I said, taking the little shovel and throwing the first pile of dirt into the grave. I silently said my goodbyes, before stepping down and taking a seat next to my uncle. His gaze was disapproving, but I didn't know of what. Not that I cared much, really. It was my parents funeral after all, I should get a free pass. The rest of the service was pretty standard. People visiting the grave and letting their shovel of dirt or red rose fall into the pit that was slowly covering my parents coffins.

Afterwards, we all went back to the pack house, where there was food and many people waiting to have a talk with me. Some concerning my coronation, some showing their pity and grief and some even congratulating me on earning my title as alpha sooner than thought. One week earlier. My parents died one week before I would turn 18. One damn week. But hey, as the alpha I couldn't lose my temper on my people or anybody for that matter, so I just smiled, nodding and shaking their hands.

Next in line was Angelo, the former beta of the pack and a colossal asshole. I hated that guy, but what can you do? He was wearing a scarf and sunglasses, making him, paired with his beard, look utterly ridicules. Behind him stood his wife Cornelia and their two kids Cecilia and Pax, my two best friends. "Asher, so good to see you" Angelo smiled, embracing me in a hug that surprised and displeased me to be honest. I didn't like being touched, especially not by Angelo that piece of trash. But I pressed out a smile, returning the embrace hastily. "Thank you for coming" I said, repeating what I had told everybody all day long.

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