Chapter 23 - Beauty in a Ballgown

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I am well aware of how stupid I was. And whipped. Goddess was I whipped by this beautiful boy who I get to call my mate, at least in the private of my thoughts. What was I thinking inviting him here, into a room filled with werewolves? Nothing, really, except that I wanted him close, all the time. I wanted to talk to him, make him laugh and make this evening at least a little bit bearable, even though I would worry about him throughout the whole event. 

The house was already decorated and a few guests had arrived, greeting me and wanting to talk business, but all I could do was wait for my mate to finally get here and make the world a little brighter. I had asked Cecilia to get him, since I knew she would keep him safe and she, in contrary to Pax, wasn't that much needed, since everybody found out that she wouldn't be luna after all. The other alphas now didn't have a reason to talk to her or at least searched for her company, so nobody questioned when she wasn't here from the beginning of the ball. 

Of course Edwardo went after the tradition and made the theme an actual ball, where the woman had to wear these big ass gowns and the men...well we wore suits, but my house looked like we had been sent back into the victorian era and it not only looked ridiculous and old fashioned, I also thought what my mate must think about all of this. I would just tell him the truth, that this was tradition and though I hated it, it had been, once again, decided without me. Edwardo was really testing my nerves, I tell you. 

"Thank you Mister De Marco, thank you so so much!" the luna, of one of the packs I overlooked, nearly cried, taking my hand and I smiled a little awkwardly, but just nodded. Of course people mostly came here and talked to me about their own personal problems like money, enemies I should kill for them etc. This one asked for me to find them a new alpha son, since their's died in an accident a year ago and apparently they weren't able to reproduce again. I said I would help them find one, how I would do that, I don't know. But surprisingly, finding a young alpha was easier than any other pup in a rank. 

If a pack was destroyed, no omega or warrior would survive, but it happened, sometimes, that the alpha and luna had a special plan for their son in such a case, so they could survive and rebuild the pack. Most of the time, these kids just needed up alone in the woods, trying to survive and either one of my packs found them or the high counsel did. I would get Edwardo on it, so he could find these people an heir of their own. See? Not every heir had to be biological....right? 

Ugh, I hated thinking about this. I was only 18 after all! And maybe I didn't even want kids and maybe Riley didn't want them either or he did, but only in 10 years and that was so very fine...just not with my pack. And again, I was getting ahead of myself. The couple left, ready for the next one to ask me their own little favor, when a man swooped in between them and of course I still recognized him even without his scent. 

"You know, even though they won't smell the White Claw pack all over you, you still have a face they could recognize" I said as Jasper chuckled, rather standing next to me than in front of me, looking at the part of my house that was once a big living room and now was just a ballroom, even though we had one of those down the hall as well. 

"Oh please, these mutts wouldn't recognize me if I told them my name. How are you Asher?" he asked and I growled, because even though some of these people here were admitably stupid, they were still my people and no mutts, but Jasper didn't hear the threat. True, most of them didn't know what he, Jasper Sutton, looked like and would only recognize the scent of the enemy, but that didn't mean I couldn't tell everybody who he was and therefore kill him without doing anything myself. I wouldn't, but still, I could. 

"Fine. I am telling you now, if you came here to ask me about the contract again, my mind hasn't changed and never will, so you could just leave" I said and Sutton laughed, shaking his head. 

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