Chapter 60 - The Lion's den

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"Are you sure letting him go in all alone is such a good idea? Sure we are close by and can attack at any given moment, but...I don't like the idea of Asher being alone with the Fontanas" Pax said to Jasper, glancing over at me. I wasn't looking at them, I was just staring out the window of the private jet Jasper put us in to fly to Florence and I thought about Riley. I couldn't feel him and that hurt almost as much as knowing that he was in danger. Firstly because he was in the hands of a ruthless pack, that wanted to kill mine and secondly, because he could be...pregnant. 

It was still weird to even consider that thought, I honestly never thought that I would have to deal with this, let alone with Riley, but...that was the situation and I couldn't change it as long as he was away from me. I didn't even dare to think about the cruel things they could do to him. It scared me and I could have broken down, crying my living soul out, if I was alone. But not in front of Jasper. We weren't that close, you know?

 "Pax, it's the only way. Believe me, I don't feel entirely comfortable with this as well, but that is the only way to get Riley back without them suspecting anything" Jasper said, laying a soothing hand on his mate's knee. Oh how I wished I had mine here with me right now. I hated that especially right now, I could do nothing but sit in this plane and hope for it to actually speed up and fly there as fast as possible. I could do nothing but wait. So I just stared out the window, trying to contact my mate, as I had a balled fist in front of my mouth and my jaw clenched tightly, while I tried not to cry. Fuck...I couldn't lose him, if I lost him I-I couldn't go on I- 

"Stop it Asher! We are not going to lose them! I-I just found my mate as well, maybe and I haven't even met them yet! We are not going to lose them, because the moon goddess can't hate us that much, ok?? You have to stay calm now. For Riley. He wouldn't want you freaking out like that would he??" Dixon asked, who tried his very best to keep a cool exterior as well. He knew if he would lose it, I would too, but to be fair, I lost it the second Riley tried to call for me when they got attacked. 

"Yes but...D-Dixon I-I can't go on without him ok?? I just-...this is all my fault and even if Pax doesn't think so, you know that I'm right. I could have done more and sure it's no use to dwell on what I could have done and focus on what I can do right now to help him, b-but...he's in danger! And even if we succeed and get him back safely...he will never forgive me for this. They are hurting him Dixon! Lets not pretend, we both know they are hurting him right now! You know why I can't feel him? Because they have sedated our bond to make me know, all the damn time, every second of this fucked up day, that they have my mate and can do whatever the fuck they want with him...." I said with a shaky voice and Dixon fell quiet for a moment, but I felt his immense pain at those words. 

"I know...I know they are hurting him. And I hate that I have to admit that. Yes Asher, they are hurting Riley, right now, but they are not killing him as long as you haven't signed that contract yet. His death is useless to them, because then you would die of heartache and Pax would take over the pack. It would make no difference to them, so they need him alive for their profit. But Riley will not resent you for this, because it wasn't your fault. He knows that if you could have stopped this from happening, you would have done so. Because you love him and he loves you. He will not hate you for this. He might hate you for knocking him up, but thats a whole other topic" Dixon said and I shook my head. 

"Don't even remind me. But I will deal with that when I know that h-he is s-safe. And if he hates me, fine, he has a right to do so. I just want to see him safe. I swear, if they actually hurt him I will rip them apart with my own teeth. I mean, they are going to die either way, but if they actually touched my mate, hurting and frightening him...they will face the worst death imaginable and nobody can stop me from doing so" I growled, meaning it. I wasn't a violent person, thats why I signed Jasper's contract, because I would only fight and kill if it was needed. But this...this was very fucking needed. Those fucking bastards would die a slow and painful death, my face being the last thing they would see. For my mate. And a little bit for my parents as well. 

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