Chapter 41 - Reality is a construct

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When Riley and I returned to the suite, it was already getting dark outside. The sun was setting and Riley was still in a deep depression like state. He hated that he had to break Sawyer's heart like that, even if he really couldn't control who he loved. He never meant to hurt him, he just followed his heart and did the right thing by ending the relationship, when he realized, that his feelings for me would never go away. He knew that and Sawyer knew that. That didn't mean that it was any easier for him. 

He threw me a weak and thankful smile, when we walked up the stairs, me slightly taking some off his weight, so he didn't have to drag himself up there. He was crushed having to do that to Sawyer, even if in the end the talk went better than we had thought beforehand. Sawyer didn't get angry, they didn't fight. It was an honest and hard conversation, but they got through it with the chance of a friendship, even if Sawyer was still painfully heartbroken. I could also sense that Riley was uncomfortably if he knew something bad was going to happen, but he didn't let it show and I would protect him from anything anyway, so I tried not to worry, maybe it was just a side effect of this very hard conversation he just had. 

I helped him change, even if he said, weakly, that he could do it by himself, before I got out of my clothes and hopped under the covers with him, holding him in my arms, his back pressed against my torso. I had a protective arm wrapped around his waist, as I held his hand, brushing over it soothingly with my thumb. We didn't talk, but Riley knew that if he wanted to, I would be right here and I would listen no matter what he wanted to talk about. I lifted my head enough to press a loving kiss to his shoulder, showing him that I was here and it was going to be ok. And then I felt it before I heard it. 

Riley's heavy heart finally found a release, as a low sob escaped his sweet lips. "Hey hey its ok! Come here, its ok Bambi" I hushed and Riley turned around at that, burying his face in my chest and I held him close, as he released another muffled sob, the hot tears escaping his beautiful eyes and it pained me to see him like that, but I knew he needed to let it out and that eventually he would be fine. He just needed an outlet to release this pain he was feeling inside and that's how we stayed, with him wrapped in my arms, softly clinging onto me as his cries mixed together with the soothing sounds of the night until, after a while, he fell asleep. 

I stroke his hair and held him close, until I eventually drifted off to sleep as well, which was hard considering I could still feel the pain he was carrying around inside of him. But I knew he would feel better, eventually, so I didn't protest when sleep wanted to take over my body. And that's how we stayed all night, with Riley in my arms, sleeping through the pain and with me holding him close, so he could feel warm, loved and protected. 

The next morning, I woke up before Riley. He was still laying in my arms, looking so peaceful and the pain was merely a sting in his chest, that would not leave for a while, I knew that. I watched as the sun shone into his face, making him look just as perfect as he was and I couldn't help but smile. God what did I ever do to get such a perfect mate? Riley shifted his face, nuzzling it against my skin and I couldn't help but chuckle at this sweet creature in my arms, that was slowly waking up, something that Riley hated more than anything in the world. 

I pressed a kiss to his temple and Riley groaned, not because he didn't like it, but because my mate very well knew, that now was the time to get up and I couldn't help but chuckle again. "Good morning my beautiful magnificent mate" I grinned and Riley rolled over, so his face wasn't in the sunlight, groaning and burying himself back under the covers. "Mh! Five more minutes...or hours" he mumbled and of course I would never tell Riley to get up if he didn't want to, but I had an idea of how to distract him from yesterday's events and that plan had to start sooner rather than later and it was already noon. 

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