Chapter 59 - Saving a life

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I ran, like my own life depended on it. I ran, even though it hurt. It hurt so god damn much. And I don't mean my paws when they hit the ground at full speed. I don't mean my lungs, that tried to pump the ice cold air in and out of my body to keep me alive and I don't just mean the mind-numbing fear that overtook my whole entire body. Yes, all of that hurt, but not as badly as what I mean just now. Because what really hurt, like fucking hell, was, that I couldn't feel him anymore. 

I couldn't feel Riley anymore. 

The bond was still there, it wasn't like he had rejected me and had broken the bond forever, but something must have set this bond on ice and the last thing I had felt, that my beautiful Bambi had felt was pain and fear. So I was left with that and the mind consuming terror, of what this could mean. Because there was a possible answer, I just never...never wanted it to be true. Right behind me was Pax, who led this rescue-mission and managed to get around two hundred wolfs, that weren't in school or somewhere else, to follow us if we were in need of backup. He did good, I didn't even think that far ahead. All I could think about was Riley and the possible meaning of all of this. 

My heart clenched at the thought and even though I was running like the wind, I howled in pain, hoping that Riley could hear me. I ran next to the road, that him and his father had taken towards the therapist's office, so somewhere along the lines there had to be a clue as to what had happened. I couldn't contact Daniel, since he wasn't naturally from our pack and not long enough in it, to have formed a bond with the alpha yet, so he couldn't answer me even if it was possible for him. I tried to get through to Riley, but there was nothing there that could answer me and that hurt. 

And actually, I just wanted to break down in tears. But I couldn't, if my mate was hurt, he needed me, if he was in danger, I needed to protect him! So I pulled my weak self together, running down the road with my pack behind me. Pax didn't say anything, he didn't ask. He just knew that something was up with Riley and that his luna needed him right now. I just had one goal in mind and that was to find Riley and make sure he was ok!! I-...he had to be ok! He just had to be! I couldn't lose him i-if I was to lose him, I couldn't live anymore, I just couldn't do it!

And so I ran even faster, even though my paws physically couldn't give it anymore, but they just had to. I ran and I ran, not caring that it hurt, because the mind numbing pain of not feeling Riley, that was what really hurt me in the worst way possible. It was as if somebody was stabbing me and an elephant was sitting on my chest, but I just had to push through it! Maybe he was hurt, maybe he was in trouble and I just couldn't even think about the possibility, that something really fucking terrible had already happened. 

And then I spotted the car. 

It was Daniel's car, one hundred percent. And it was smoking, looking as if it had crashed into something. Like it had been in a car accident, but there was no other car, no fallen over tree or anything in front of it that could have caused this! And then I spotted two figures. And was pushing down on the other's chest. A-as if they were dead. Oh no no no no please no no I- No! I ran even faster, shifting into my human form and when I got closer, I realized who these two people were. 

Edwardo was desperately trying to bring Daniel, who had a big cut on his forehead and several bruises all over his body, back to life and my uncle was soaked in blood. "Ash-" Edwardo tried, but I knew what I needed to do. I needed my mate, more than anything, but he would never forgive me, if I would let his father die, never so- "Move" I commanded and Edwardo fell back on his hands, looking horrified, as if he was looking into his own death and I was about to keep pushing down on Daniel's chest, when I noticed something. 

"He's still breathing you idiot!" I yelled. Ok so Daniel was alive, he was ok, for now, but- I leaped forward, taking Edwardo by the collar, lifting him up and yelling "Where is Riley?? What happened to him???" Edwardo looked terrified. Terrified of me. He looked like what he would have to tell me next, would mean his death and my heart was pounding in my ears. Did he do something to my mate??? Did he accidentally distract Daniel and cause this accident?? 

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