Chapter 55 - A sucker for you

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The late morning sun tickled my nose as I slowly woke up from my sweet dream of wonders and into reality. And this reality wasn't bad at all. It wasn't like my dreams were better than reality, because they were my reality. Riley was laying in my arms, his face turned towards me, while he was still fast asleep and naked, his legs entangled with my own and his hand gently resting on my bare chest. My gaze fell down towards his neck, the place I had marked yesterday and there was my mark, clear as day and for everybody to see. I had never felt so proud, so happy in my entire life before. 

Las night's events came rushing back to me and I regretted nothing. Not only that the sex was great, it really was one of the most amazing things I had ever gotten to experience, but also, that Riley bit me. He marked me...To say that I had been shocked was an understatement. But so was my mate. It was an instinct, simple as that. Riley had wanted to explore his wolf side for a long time now, but always pushed it off, a little afraid of what he would discover. After all, his father had a reason for taking that side away from him. But he was safe with me and I would never let anything bad happen to him, so I tried to encourage him to be who he really was. 

And yesterday, that side of him pushed through, the instinct to mark his mate overtaking him and his canines just simply extended, something which he didn't know that he could do, until now at least. After we had calmed down from our orgasm and having completed the mating bond, I had quickly gotten a towel not only for the cum that was still on my mate's chest, but the slight bit of blood, that had left his neck by me ramming my teeth in my beautiful mate's neck. Riley was a little freaked out when he started to feel the canines with his fingers and actually realised what had just happened and I tried to calm him down, telling him that it was natural and he had probably always been able to do it, he just didn't know how to access them. 

I showed him how, with a calm and collected mind and will power, you could retreat them and Riley did just that, suddenly amazed by what he was able to do as a hybrid. Afterwards he tried really hard to extend his claws, but that didn't really work and so we simply went to bed, since we were exhausted and both happy and giddy and excited to see what this full mate bond would do for us, once our venoms would be fully working in the morning. 

I had to say I didn't feel much different. I felt a strong bond to Riley, but I had felt that since I knew he was my mate. But I had to say it was a bit stronger now that I thought about it. I really didn't like the idea of being separated from him and the thought of driving him to his home later today and being apart for a whole night, I did not like the idea of that at all. It wasn't that it was really painful, but I just didn't think I could do it, that it was possible for me to be away from him so soon after mating and suddenly, Riley stirred in my hold, lifting his head and laying his head on my chest, which did kind of calm me for a moment. 

"Why are you so angry so early in the morning? Did Pax send you another Chuck Norris joke?" he mumbled, looking up to me, his eyes barely open and I was astounded. How did he know that I was displeased right now? Maybe he just felt my muscles tense up, maybe I growled against my will or something, but I just had to ask "You noticed I was angry?" 

"I felt it" Riley smiled, now opening his eyes fully and I think my heart stopped for a moment. He felt it...he felt my emotions! He felt my emotions like I felt his! He- he was my mate, fully and I mean I knew that already, but those kind of things weren't a given with hybrids or humans on its own, they didn't have the same abilities as werewolves, obviously, but Riley could feel my emotions and he had known how happy that would make me, based on the big smile he had on his lips. "I feel everything you feel and you feel everything I mate" he grinned, burying his nose in the crook of my neck, his locks slightly tickling my cheek but it was ok, because a warm feeling settled not only in my chest but in his as well, as he hummed "Wow you smell good. Even better than before." 

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