Chapter 29 - The apple and the Tree

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My eyes darted between my mate and his father, who both looked utterly shocked and terrified, but for different reasons. And I was just as shocked. But my panic was at second place here, I had to see what my mate needed in that moment, he was the only important thing right now and he looked like he was about to faint. "Do you need to sit down, are you having a panic attack or-" I tried, because this looked like the time he was having his condition at school and I helped him, but also not really. 

"You are- how- are you-?" was all he could stutter out, staring at his dad with wide eyes, that slowly filled with tears a little, but I think it was the shock. He also looked like he wanted to cry when I revealed myself to him, but because he thought I would hurt him. Riley's father had retreated his fangs, looking utterly crushed, that he had found out this way, as he closed his eyes, enjoying this last moment where Riley didn't really know, at least not for sure. 

"What are you doing here? I don't want a werewolf in my house" he said, taking a step towards me and making it very obvious, that apparently, I was wrong and his son was on second place right now, since he rather wanted to interrogate me. I would have guessed him to rush to Riley's side, explaining everything and making sure he wouldn't freak out, but getting the strange werewolf out of his home seemed to be more important than that. 

"You mean beside yourself" I stated, but he didn't laugh or smile, just waited for me to leave, but I couldn't really do that when my mate needed me. " are you alive? You aren't part of a pack, are you?" I asked and Riley's father clenched his jaw, now glancing at his son, whose heart was beating fast, matching the pace of his fast breathing. 

"You have to leave" he said and I glanced back at Riley, whose eyes were wide in shock, fear and other emotions I couldn't really place. I wouldn't leave him without his permission, if he needed me I would stay, so when Riley looked up at me, for which I was so proud of him, he realized that I was waiting for him to tell me to go, so he could be alone with his father. But instead I heard his soft but hectic voice in my head say "Don't! Please!" My mate needed me so I would stay, that was why I slowly turned back to his father, hesitantly shaking my head. 

"I can't" I said, my eyes dark, but we, two werewolves, knew what that meant. 

"So you are his mate, huh" the father said, point blank, seeming calm, but I guess it wasn't that surprising to him, since he was very family with the concepts of mates and that every werewolf had one, as did I. But one person in this room, had no idea what we were talking about. 

"Mate?? What's a mate?" Riley frowned, now looking at me. Shit...I didn't want this to happen. At least not now and like this! I closed my eyes, internally cursing myself for letting him say that, letting his father ruin this for me and him. When I met his gaze again, he knew, that I hadn't told Riley about this, that I never wanted this to happen. And he probably understood why. 

"Why don't we sit down for a moment" the father said, trying to be formal but there was a hint of awkwardness in his voice. He lead the way, walking to the dinner table, before sitting down and when I glanced at Riley, he was still frozen in place, the shock taking over his body. I gently took his hand and he let me, as I guided him over, sitting him down on the opposite side of the table and taking a seat next to him. My touch relaxed him a bit, but not enough to make him calm. His father took a deep breath, obviously not having thought to have this conversation today or ever. 

"I'm Daniel" Riley's father introduced himself, extending his hand. Apparently, knowing that I was his son's mate made him like me a little more, since he knew I would never hurt him, ever. I shook his hand, replying "I'm Asher D-"

"De Marco, I know. I have kept and eye on your pack for a while now. Mostly to protect me and my family" he said and I nodded, even though I still didn't quite understand. How hadn't we found him before? How hadn't we noticed another werewolf was living in this town, in my territory? He obviously didn't cover his scent very well, if I could smell him all over this house. It was quiet for a moment, none of us really finding the words or even the courage to address the questions that were hanging in the air. 

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