Who's That Guy?

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Sam's Pov:

"What???!!", I almost screamed.

"Yes Sir, We are really sorry to say this. The bus has met with an accident"

"Lia is fine right? Right??", I stammered.

"I am not sure about that sir. All the passengers are admitted in the nearby hospital", he said.

My hands began to shiver. I felt dizzy, everything around me blacking out.

"Sir?? You there??"

"Yeah, I will... I will be there"

"Sir, make it as soon as possible", he said and end the call.

My phone dropped from my hand. Tears blocked my vision. I felt numb as if my whole body was deprived of blood flow. I tried to concentrate and let the truth sink in. I know I have to hurry but I couldn't move my body. I have to do something.

My phone rang. My dad! Okay, I got to tell him. He might come to help me out of this nightmare.

"Dad...", I tried to be strong.

"Sam, what have you been thinking about yourself? Your mom told me everything you have done yesterday...", my dad said pissed off.

"Dad please", I cut him off. I don't care if my dad was yelling at me or if he had decided to throw me out of the home. Everything seemed less painful as I had just heard the worst ever news.

"I have trusted you and this is what you have done to me. How dare you, Sam?"

"Dad... please listen to me...dad"

"What are you going to tell me? Huh? That you don't love her? Is that you wanted to tell me?"

"I love her, dad I love her so much and she is dying now", I screamed. I broke down, helplessly, all alone.

"What??... What are you talking about?", he stammered.

"Dad, she had met with an accident. She is admitted in the hospital"

"Oh my God, are you sure? It might be fake news. She is safe, right?", he asked me hopefully.

"No dad...", I was out of breath, crying, "Please come faster. I don't have the guts to watch her soaked in blood"

"We... we... are on the way... don't worry, Sam... Sam... I am telling you... She will be.... alright", he said. He sobbed before he ended the call.

I threw my phone on the seat beside me, the same place where she sat smiling at me gracefully. I pulled myself together. She must be waiting for me to show up, to comfort her, to promise her that everything was going to be alright. I leaned over my steering, forcing myself to breath. I couldn't wait any longer. I wiped my tears. I convinced myself that she was alright. I dialled her number but it was switched off. I don't want to give up, I tried calling her even though I knew she wouldn't pick up. I started my car and drove to the hospital.

 I started my car and drove to the hospital

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