A New Member in the Family

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Lia’s Pov:

We went inside the shop. The sales boy welcomed us warmly. They divided the whole shop into various sections for each pet. It was maintained neatly and with hygiene.

Welcome! What do you want to adopt?”, the sales man asked Mithra.

“I need a puppy”, Mithra told him. He led us to the dog’s section. As I was a cynophilist, I was in the world’s best place. I was with a bunch of cute puppies; crawling and playing with each other. I saw a white and brown puppy, which reminds me of my pet dog, Max. My eyes welled up, on seeing that dog. I missed it so much, even if we kept talking every day in the video call. I was so sensitive when it comes to dogs. I couldn’t control my tears. It rolled down my cheeks. I didn’t want to spoil the day, so I wiped it before anyone could see it.

Lia, are you crying?”, Sam asked me, pulling me to face him.

“No”, I lied, but my eyes were full of tears and my lie was of no use to save me. He pulled me towards the corner of the shop where no one could see us. I ensured Mithra and Sakshi didn’t see us. I didn’t want to spoil their day too. But Santhosh saw me crying and looked at me shocked. Sam eyed him that he would take care of me. Santhosh nodded in response.

Why are you crying? Tell me”, he asked me, concerned. I would end up crying even more if someone asks me the reason I was crying. I tried to speak, but my voice broke down each time I tried to speak.

Ok, ok. First, you relax” I could see Sam being restless, not knowing why I was crying. If I tell him the reason, he might think it was a silly reason. I was crying as if something serious had happened to me, but it was serious to me. I don’t know how he would react. It might anger him. It scared me a little. I composed myself before I spoke.

“I miss Max”, I finally said.

Max? Who is he?”, he asked me, confused.

“My dog. I really miss him. I am sorry, I am being silly. All these cute puppies remind me of him”

No, it’s ok. Let it out. Don’t hold your emotions. I could understand how you feel

It surprised me to see Sam understanding how I felt. He comforted me.

“You do? I could never be apart from him. I have never spent even a day away from him. He eats only if I feed him” My tears lost control and I broke into tears once again. I turned away from Sam so he wouldn’t see me cry. I felt embarrassed. But he made me face him. He took his hands and wiped off my tears.

 He took his hands and wiped off my tears

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It’s ok. It’s ok”, he kept muttering to me as he wiped my tears. It felt good after sharing it with him. Or else, I would have ended up crying in front of everyone. I saved myself from embarrassment.

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