First Day Turned Into a Disaster

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Lia's Pov:

"Hi, I am Sakshi", she said in her sweet voice.

"Hi, I am Lia", I said with a smiling face.

" Is this Computer Science classroom?". I heard a voice behind me.

I turned to see who it was. There stood a tall girl with long straight hair, coloured at the ends. She had the brightest smile ever. She was not a silent type. She kept talking and was full of energy.

 She kept talking and was full of energy

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"Yeah", I said affirmatively.

"Hi, I am Mithra. Nice to meet you", she said enthusiastically.

"Lia, Nice to meet you too", I shook hands with her. I scooched beside Sakshi, so that Mithra could sit on my seat. They both introduced themselves.

They both were day scholars. Sakshi was from Madurai, but she was staying in a hostel nearby the college. Mithra was from Banglore. She stayed in a rental room all by herself.

Sakshi was so sweet, matured and kind. Mithra was so energetic, genuine, so humble and talkative. They both were just what I wanted. I literally loved them the first time I saw them. It relieved me a lot. We exchanged our numbers. I made many other friends too. We kept talking until the staff arrived.

An elderly staff entered the class. He was in his late 50s. He greeted us all.

"Good morning all", he said.

"I am Murugan. I am the in charge of this class. If you have any doubts related to the academics, you can ask me", he said. He seemed so sweet with a charming smile on his face that was very pleasing to see. He handled Chemistry for us. In the first semester, we have subjects common to all departments.

He made us introduce ourselves; shared many of his life experiences. He was so friendly and motivated us with his kind words. We all loved him so much on our first day itself.

I wanted to tell Sam that I made it. I made new friends, and it was not that hard for me. I have to tell him I love this college. I waited impatiently for the break.

I checked my phone. It had a message from Sam.

"All good?"

"Yeah, Can't wait to see you during the break", I texted back adding some smiling emojis.

It was our break time. I went out to see if Sam arrived. He and Santhosh were waiting for me at the corridor. I walked towards them.

"Guess what, I got two friends, Sakshi and Mithra. They are so good. I just love them already", I told him in full excitement.

"Look, who is smiling. You had a frowning face throughout the day. Happy to know that you made friends", Sam said.

"They are just what I need; funny, talkative, sweet and caring. We had a lot of fun today. Can I introduce them to you?". I asked him. I wanted my new friends to meet Sam. They would like him for sure.

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