I Am Not Alone

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Lia's Pov:

I woke up at 9.00 A.M. I had a very tiring day yesterday. I remembered that today mom and dad had to leave for home. So I chose to spend the entire day with mom and dad. I was helping mom in the kitchen. I played carrom board with dad. I never left their side even for a second.

After lunch we left for the bus stop. Sam drove us to the bus stop while Uncle accompanied us. I was sitting in between mom and dad and held their hands throughout the journey. I promised myself not to cry this time.

Bus arrived. My heart began to beat fast. My mom kissed my forehead and said, "Be a good girl. And most importantly, don't trouble uncle, aunt and Sam. Mommy will miss you", she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am your daughter, mom. I will behave". I replied with my heart heavy.

My dad gave me a tight hug and said. "Don't worry about anything. I will visit you occasionally. Enjoy your college days to the  fullest Keep smiling my dear!! "

I could no longer hold back my tears. I managed to smile in spite of my tears. They got into the bus. I waved my hand until the tears blurred my vision. The bus disappeared at the distance. Uncle held me in his arms.

We went back home. I crashed on my bed. Without my knowledge I fell asleep.

Aunt woke me up for dinner. Only then I understood that I had slept for hours. Everyone waited for me. They did their efforts to comfort me. Happily, that worked. I escaped the reality until I finished my dinner.

After dinner, I went to my empty room. The emptiness reminded me that I was alone. I checked my phone for distraction. I had five missed calls from mom. Mom must have called me while I was asleep.

I called her back. She answered it on the first ring. She must have been waiting for my call. "When did you wake up? Had your Dinner?" she asked before saying a hello. Aunt must have informed her that I was asleep.

"Yeah ma, what about you?", I asked.

"Not yet. Now listen... Tomorrow is your first day in college so get some sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow. Get ready on time. Better choose a dress to wear now itself"

I had never done all these things on my own in my entire life. It was hard for me to accept the change. I tried hard not to cry.

"Ok ma. I will sleep then. Bye, bye good night"

"Bye Good Night", she said and ended the call.

All my worry rushed back to me again. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I heard a gentle knock behind me. I wiped my tears before turning to see who it was. It was Sam. He came near me and asked, "What happened?".

I just shook my head. He then whispered "It's ok.... Everything will be alright. It just takes time for you to adapt to this situation", he said.

His words didn't help me. It made the walls of the dam of tears break even more. He sensed it and tried his best to distract me.

"Ok.. So you won't listen to me. If you don't stop crying, I will start annoying you. So you better stop crying", he warned.

I didn't respond. So he was trying to pull my hair. I have a special talent that, if someone touches my head, I can turn into a beast in microseconds. He knew it and tried to use it in the worst timing ever.

I couldn't hold back my anger. "It's not cool Sam. Stop irritating me. Just leave me alone for a while", I shouted. His face lost its smile.

"Ok... I will leave", he said and left the room suddenly.

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