Strange Feeling

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Lia's Pov:

After class, Sam was waiting for me outside my class. He looked worried and tired than usual.

"Did you have your lunch today?", I asked him as I tossed my bag onto my shoulder.

"Um.. no", he said with a guilty smile.

"What?? What were you doing all day??", I asked him.

"I told you. I have some works to do"

"So, did you finish all your works?"

"I guess so"

"I expected you today during the lunch"

"Is it? Why?", he asked me doubted but still with a naughty smile.

"Yeah. It was weird having lunch without you"

"Oh, Okay. Hereafter, I will put aside all my works and accompany you for lunch. Happy?"

"Happy", I said smiling.

"How was your day?"

"Good, I have to show you something", I said and dug my bag to get the photo frame. Seeing me struggling with my bag, Sam offered to help me. He held my bag while I dug inside to take it out. I took it and gave it to him.

"Wow. When did you meet Yuvan?", he asked, surprised. I laughed at him and said that it was edited.

"Oh, but it looks so realistic", he said looking at the frame.

"Yeah, It is the gift from Harshad and Syed", I said, waiting for his reaction. His face lost its smile.

"Oh", he said, plainly. I didn't know if he really said it without interest or it is just me overthinking.

"I thought of introducing you to them. They accompanied me during lunch", I said.

"Oh, great. You don't have to introduce them to me. We knew each other already", he said vaguely.

"Sam, are you worried about something?", I asked him as his face looked more worried with every passing second.

"No, nothing", he said looking at me trying to distract himself from something.

"You sure? You don't seem okay", I asked him.

"No, I am alright. Just a little tired as I didn't eat in the afternoon"

"Oh. Then let's go to a hotel and have a small snack. I will treat you today", I said. He thought for a while.

"No, Lia. Let's go home", he said.

"Why? It won't take much time. Let's go", I pleaded him.

"Mom will be waiting for us. So let's go home", he said.

"But...", I started but he cut me off.

"Don't argue. We are going home", he said in a stern voice.

I felt disappointed and angry at the same time. Why is he being so stubborn? It barely takes about 30 minutes. I didn't want to spoil my mood by arguing with him and I have also decided not to fight with him over silly reasons.

By the time, we reached the parking lot. I bid goodbye to Santhosh after chitchatting with him for some time. I kept telling Sam what happened today while he drove us home. Sam's mood was much better than while we were in the college.

We reached the home. I saw the uncle's car in the car shed. He must be in the office at this time.

"Didn't uncle go to the office?", I asked Sam.

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