Don't You Dare

48 13 18

Lia's Pov:

My head ached while waking up. I sandwiched my head between my hands and pressed it hard to relieve the pain. Suddenly, I heard the sound of Sam's bike approaching. I ran out of my bed to see him. He looked shabby and weak than usual. I was worried for him.

"Sam, why didn't you come home yesterday? Why didn't you answer my calls? Why did you leave the home yesterday? You look so tired. Did you eat last night? Are you..." Sam interrupted me before I could finish.

"Relax Lia", he said plainly. His eyes met mine for a second. His eyes were red and swollen as if he was crying the whole night or didn't sleep even for a second. I had goosebumps on seeing his eyes.

"Sam, what happened to you? Your eye says it all. Tell me what's bothering you?", I asked him with concern.

He raised his head to face me but didn't utter a word. I could feel that he was in some pain.

"Sam, dear. You came! You must be hungry. Freshen up I will bring your breakfast", aunty said coming out from the kitchen.

"Mom, Can you ask dad to drop Lia in college. I am not going to college today", he told aunty. I looked at him shocked. But he did look down it might be better for him to take a day off and take some rest.

"What happened Sam? Why aren't you going to college?", aunty asked him, placing her hands over Sam's forehead to check if he was sick.

"I am not feeling well mom. Ask dad to drop her", he said without looking at me.

"Sam, dad left to office early today", she said worried.

"Oh", Sam said disappointedly and looked at me.

"No problem I can cut my classes today", I said.

"That's not necessary. I will drop you today", Sam said.

"No. Don't worry. I can take notes from Mithra. I will stay in the home", I tried to convince him. Moreover, I could take care of him too.

"No, you are going to college", he said and left to his room. He seemed to be angry. I felt that he was angry at me. But what did I do?

I wracked my head to think what wrong I did as I headed to my room to get ready to college. But I could never come up with a reason. I packed my bag and returned to the dining hall. Sam was having his breakfast. I joined him. We didn't speak a word, which was totally unusual. Every day before leaving to college he would irritate the hell out of me. Only then he would go to the college peacefully. But today he didn't even look at my face. He kept looking at his plate and ate in silence. I don't want to confront him in front of aunty. So I kept quiet until we were ready to leave.

He had his bag along with him. I thought he was just dropping me in the college.

"Are you attending the class today?", I asked him as he drove his bike out of our home.

"Mmm", he assured.

"Sam, are you gonna tell me or not?", I asked him. He didn't respond.

"Sam. Please. Tell me what happened? I know I have done something terrible that's why you are behaving like this to me. Just tell me what I did. I really couldn't figure out what made you so angry"

"I am not angry at you", he said after a while.

"Then why are you like this? I can't see you like this Sam. It really hurts. Please talk to me normally", I pleaded him. His formal and avoiding behaviour made me sick.

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