There She Is

65 13 15

Sam's Pov:

"Liaaaaaa", I screamed.

I felt someone holding my shoulder. I hoped it to be Lia, but it was Santhosh. He hugged me so tight and patted my back.

"Don't lose hope. We will find her. Think of something to know about her whereabouts", Santhosh told, still hugging me.

He was right. I should not lose my mind. I had to find her. I wiped off my tears. I took a deep breath and composed myself.

"Do you know any of her friends? If so, we could call them and ask", Santhosh told me

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"Do you know any of her friends? If so, we could call them and ask", Santhosh told me.

"She had mentioned a few of her friends, but I don't have their number or anything", I told him.

I wrecked my head for an idea. Suddenly I remembered the one who called at night. I recalled his name.

"Syed!!", I said, snapping the finger. Santhosh looked perplexed.

"He was the one who called her a few days ago. I remember his number. Let's call him", I said, trying to recall the number.

I called the number I remembered, but it was not Syed. I tried again; I failed. I tried again by shuffling the numbers.

"Hello?", the person on the next side said. It was the same voice.

"Syed?", I asked him.

"Yeah, who's this?", he asked politely.

"I am Sam. I am...." I was cut mid-sentence by his response.

"Yeah, I know. Tell me", he said. It shocked me to know that he knew me.

"You know me? Yeah, whatever. Do you have any idea where Lia could be now?"

"She must be with you, right? I haven't seen her the entire day", he said.

"Oh, ok. Thanks for the help"

"Oh, wait? Why do you ask? Is there a problem?", he asked. I didn't want to reveal Lia's disappearance to some random guy.

"No, nothing. If you get to know anything about her, please let me know", I told him.

"Come on, you can trust us. We are her close friends. You sound worried. What happened?", he asked consistently. If he was a close friend of her, she must have told me about him. But she never mentioned his name to me. So I didn't want to reveal the problem to him.

"Bye", I said and hung the call.

My last hope went useless. I tried to think of a new idea.

"What happened, Sam? You didn't go home?", Prabhu asked me.

Prabhu was an in-charge for the non-teaching activities and also a good friend of mine. He knew Lia, as I had introduced him to her one day.

"Lia is missing", I told him.

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