Bunking Diaries.

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Lia's Pov:

It was a pleasant Friday evening. I was in my classroom, desperately waiting for a break.

"Can we go to a movie?", Mithra mumbled to me.

"Sure, when?", I asked her.

"Now", she said casually.

"What?!" I turned to face her.

"Yes, if we got out of the college during the break, we could get to the theatre on time", she said still with a casual look.

"Are you kidding me? How can we get out?"

"It's simple. We have to get into the hostel campus; then climb on the compound wall behind the hostel and go to the theatre"

"Are you asking me to climb the compound wall? Aren't you aware of my height?" I was totally shocked at how carefree and chilled out she was.

"It's too short. You can climb it easily. Besides, I am there for you, I can lift you", she said and winked at me. She was a rare piece of God's creation. I haven't come across someone as crazy as her.

"You are crazy", I told her. I told Sakshi about Mithra's idea. She was so excited to do something adventurous.

"I am a little scared. What if we get caught? It's been just two weeks since we came to the college. Doesn't this seem too much?", I told them. I was literally freaking out. Actually, the reason for my fear was that I thought I couldn't climb the wall as I was too short. I don't want  the whole plan to be spoiled because of me.

"Most of the boys even from our class are leaving every day. No one will find. We had to submit our physics assignments today, remember? I don't want to be punished by Mathi Kalpana mam. So let's just get out and have some fun"

"Yeah Lia, it would be fun. Don't you want to get out and enjoy?", Sakshi tried to convince me.

"I do, but can we go out in some other way? This whole wall thing is scaring me", I confessed them. Mithra and Sakshi burst out in laughter.

"I already told you, it's barely your height. You can easily climb. Else, we would help you out. Don't worry", Mithra assured me.

"Fine, then let's go", I said half-minded.

"Yayyyy!!", Mithra and Sakshi squealed in union.

"Quiet!!", our Engineering Graphics sir yelled at them. But they didn't care, they just squealed in joy.

At the break, we had reached the hostel campus. No one cared where we went. Only then I felt relieved and realised what Mithra told was right. Nobody cared what we were doing. We reached the back door of the hostel. I saw the wall guarding the hostel. It was pretty huge for my height.

"Lia, ready?", Mithra asked me.

"What?! You guys go first. I will follow you", I escaped.

"So, are you going to climb this wall all by yourself?", Mithra asked me. I kept quiet.

"Ok, Sakshi, you climb first and go to the other side. Then I will help Lia to climb and you help her get down from the other side", Mithra announced.

"No, then who will help you climb?", I asked her. She chuckled.

"Look at me. I don't want help, dear. I have much experience climbing taller walls than this", Mithra chuckled.

"You are definitely a masterpiece of God", I told her. She laughed.

Mithra and I helped Sakshi to climb the wall. She enjoyed it so much. She kept laughing the whole time. Then it was my turn. Mithra grabbed me and lifted me to reach the top of the wall. I gripped it and pushed myself up. I threw one of my legs to the other side and was sitting on the top of the compound wall, giving a smile of victory to Mithra. On the other side, Sakshi was waiting for me to get down. I carefully lowered my body and Sakshi helped me land safely. She gave me a tight hug and said, "You did it!!"

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